Hey, Ally! :) This is Tyler from TFL (as you may or may not know!), and I thought I'd give it a shot and add you! Especially considering you have terrific interests and your icon is Liz Parker (TOTALLY miss that show). Two very big positives! I know it says in your userinfo that some stuff isn't suitable for those youngsters such as myself, but I promise that I can handle it. Possibly. Maybe. :P
Hi there. Sorry to bug you on your personal journal, but I noticed you're one of the maintainers of torchwood_eps. I have submitted numerous membership requests over the past couple of months but have yet to have a reply. I was hoping maybe I'd just been overlooked.
Comments 23
Sorry about the late reply. Did you still want to be lj-friends? (why do I sound like I'm FIVE when I ask that?!!!)
Sorry about the late reply; turns out I had comment notification turned off. SMRT.
Wanna give the friends thing a try? :)
I added you because we seem to have a few things in common, interested in making friends?
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