So I posted about all the negative stuff in a seperate post. So here's all the baby stuff and OB stuff and all that... :)
35 week appointment
Before I left Maryland, I got my Group B Strep test at 35 weeks from one of the partners in my OB's office because she was on vacation. The substitute doctor was really rude and blunt and I didn't like her. I posted all about that. I was put on bedrest and no sex because I was starting to efface and she said I should hold off any further progress until at 36 weeks. My fundal height was measuring 35cm, right on target. There was a "trace of protein" in my urine that the doctor said was small enough that I shouldn't worry. She complained about my weight gain but I can't even remember how much it was at this point (too much has been going on) but I remember that I was having a lot of swelling at that point, so I wasn't worried about the gain. I figured much of it was probably the extra water. My blood pressure was fine. I posted about all that before as well. I was scheduled to come back in a week to see how things were progressing.
36 week appointment
I went back at 36 weeks. I was taken off bed rest and sex restriction and told I'd effaced more and the baby was dropping a bit. She could feel his head. His heartbeat was great and everything was going well. There was a trace of protein in my urine for the second week in a row, but again, she said it wasn't enough to worry about. I'd lost about a pound or two. Everything was pretty good. However, my fundal height was measuring at 38cm/weeks instead of 36cm like it "should" be. The doctor said the baby was probably nearing 7lbs.
37 week appointment (around 36w6d)
When I came to Florida, I had an appointment at 36w6d I think. They said there was sugar in my urine, which was odd because I'd never had that problem. My 1-hour glucose test had come back fine weeks ago. So she asked what I'd eaten for breakfast and I'd had a kind of sugary cereal, so they weren't worried about it. They said they were guessing the baby was around 7lbs at that point and they wanted me to go for an ultrasound that Monday. My fundal height was about 39cm/weeks. My blood pressure was good. The baby's heartbeat was strong. They checked my hemoglobin/iron level. I was on the low side at about 10.2 or something. They gave me a prescription to take iron pills.
The doctor said she didn't see a reason to do a pelvic check this time around but they would check my cervix at the next appointment if my ultrasound said the baby was indeed on the large side so they could see how much I was progressing in case they wanted to start discussing induction. I wasn't liking all this induction talk. But I agreed to go for the ultrasound. They also talked to me about what kind of birth control I might be planning on using after I give birth and whether or not I was going to be breastfeeding. I liked this part because my doctor in Maryland never talked about any of these things. I suppose she may have if I'd continued seeing her in the last weeks of my pregnancy, though.
Ultrasound (37w5d)
When I got to the hospital for the ultrasound, the tech found it pretty silly that they were sending me for a dating u/s at this point in pregnancy. I told her how they were talking about induction and she was like "oh, induction is rough." So anyway, in the end she said he was measuring about right and he was about 6lb, 10oz. She would've given me pics, but he was face down the whole time and he was definitely cramped in there!
38 week appointment (38w2d)
I was actually scheduled for my 38 week appointment at 38w0d exactly. However, I got a case of the pregnancy brain and completely forgot and slept right through it! I called to reschedule when I realized it and they said it was fine because then at least I would get to meet my "primary" doctor - the one who would be delivering me at the hospital whom I'd heard so many good things about. So I was excited about that. She has her own office and she's in the health department only every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month. If I'd been in FL this whole pregnancy, I probably would have been seeing her at her own office the whole time but I came back LATE to say the least. Anyway, I went in that day. My urine test was fine, my blood pressure was fine, I'd gained a few pounds (not good), and I was sent to the room to wait for the doctor where I was asked to put on the nice little paper skirt. Well, while I was waiting, the doctor ended up having to leave for a patient in labor. I only got to see one of the nurses who checked the baby's heartbeat, my fundal measurement (40cm), and that was pretty much it. So, the whole time, I sat in the paper skirt until it was over. They apologized for her getting called away. I understood, but I was still frustrated. I was supposed to be scheduled for a week from this, but they only had another appointment open in 4 days. So I took it.
39 week appointment (38w6d)
I wasn't sure what to expect this appointment. I was squeezed into the schedule of another doctor. I ended up going and getting the usual because the doctor i was scheduled with had a schedule that was way too busy. So, urine sample was taken and the lady said she thought she saw some blood and that was a "good sign" so I thought maybe I was starting something. But I haven't seen anything since or before that, so I think she just was seeing things, lol. My blood pressure was good again, I lost a couple of pounds (my total weight gain is 28lbs), fundal height was still measuring 40cm, the baby's heartbeat was in the 150s, and everything seemed fine. I thought I was going to cry when I got done there. I really have been wanting to know what my progress has been like even though I know it doesn't always MEAN anything. I've been getting PMS-like cramps and sharp shooting pains in my cervix for WEEKS. I just would like to know. They told me I could make another appointment with the doctor who will be delivering me, but the next time she is in, I'll be 2 days overdue and that's 12 days from now. So, they made that appointment, but I also have an earlier appointment at 39w5d. So, maybe then I'll get checked, haha. I'm thinking I might pass my due date anyway though, so maybe I will get to see the doctor who will be delivering me...
Symptoms and stuff
For weeks now, I've been having shooting pains in my cervix. I've been having some PMS-like cramps. Just in the past few days, I've noticed the baby moves less often, but still just as strongly when he does. The heartburn continues. My body aches terribly almost always. My pelvis clicks and hurts most of the time and is just sore in general. I wake up too many times a night to count to go pee and to turn over because something aches. I've noticed that when we do have sex, I have some pains in my cervix if I'm on top or in a position where he is even somewhat deep. My nose is so stuffy, I can't breathe well most of the time. I am thirsty almost always and I have a water bottle next to me at all times. There's a lot more, I'm sure. Basically, I'm just waiting...
The pictures...
I've missed some pictures and others are stuck on my cell phone that crapped itself, lol. But here's some recent ones...
Belly casting (not yet decorated) 35 weeks
38w6d (39w in about 45 min)