Name: Iskierka, which is Polish for 'Little Spark.'
Age: About a year old! Dragons mature very fast, so she's a young adult.
Temeraire's stats. Iskierka is in the same weight class as Temeraire, and is a tad smaller, but she's longer than him because she has a more snaky build.
Eyes: Gold with slit pupils.
Hair: She has horns...?
Medical Info: SUPER HEALTHY AND SUPER ENERGETIC!!! She has battle scars.
Physical traits: ENORMOUS DRAGON. She has red scales, purple armor plates, and patterns that look like green leopard spots. She also has a lot of spikes and spines, which are hollow--these blast out steam from inside her body. Because of this, if you come anywhere near her, it will be unpleasantly humid, damp and hot. She also tends to drape over everything all haphazard-like, so she takes up more space than she actually should.
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Spoilers and fictional status are a no! Everything else is fine. Don't joke about Granby or insult him or mention him getting hurt/dying, though, unless you want to be in for a world of hurt. (ALSO SOMEONE APP GRANBY FOR COUNSELORS)
Notes for the Psychics: Iskierka is VERY BLUNT, and she doesn't have much of a brain-to-mouth filter. Her brain is like...GRANBY FIGHTING FIGHTING FIRE CAPITAL GRANBY I'M AWESOME I CAN BEAT THAT FIRE GRANBY FOOD PAVILION AND BLING WHOOOO. She can actually be very smart/sly and can be awesome and disciplined when she's forced, but in general if she doesn't like something she'll let you know about it. She's only governable for short periods of time, and she's self-centered, bratty and inconsiderate. Spoiled and feisty dragon was spoiled. :(b
Abilities: BEING A GIANT BATTLE-TRAINED DRAGON. Can fly, is very strong and fast; Kaziliks are the only fire-breathing breed that grows to heavyweight class. Her fire is ridiculously hot, and she has excellent aim. As a hatchling, she could breath fire for five minutes without stopping, and incinerate targets up to eighty yards away. She's probably improved that some.
Also, she might know Turkish/Polish--I forget what the general rule is for dragons learning language through the shell, and will have to check. CHANCES ARE she either speaks it very well, or very clumsily because she never used it once she was brought to England.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: Please ask for the first two! IDK how you'd do the latter two so she'd notice.
Kissing/Hugging: YOU MAY BURN YOURSELF, and also she will ask wtf you are doing. If she sees you.
Fighting: SEE ABILITIES. Iskierka is a great fighter, she just ... sucks at obeying orders she doesn't like.
Maim/Murder/Death: LET US TALK IF IT COMES UP? Injury is okay, death is not at all.