And now he's crapping on the floor. I hate him. I hope he dies. (I'm only joking a little bit.) Really, he's just not a good cat and I don't like him at all.
Mally has been peeing outside the box all day. And just now I noticed, hey, it's brown! Stupid thing has a bladder infection probably. I guess we'll be taking him to the vet tomorrow. =P
Having a rough time this week. It's a very odd feeling and it's not one I can explain to anyone who doesn't already understand. But oh my gosh I want to go home. Still alive. Still off pain meds. Still off anti-depressants. Still about an ant's ass away from losing it. I need a drink. But I can't! =(
I started spotting Saturday morning. By Sunday I knew if I was pregnant I wasn't anymore. I had my blood test this morning. HCG level is 9000. So I was pregnant. Ugh.
Okay I don't know why but my new pain meds make my insomnia worse. I've been laying in bed for the last 2 hours. I gave up and got up to get a drink of water. Blah. I needs mah sleeps.