Title: Somebody to Love (one-shot)
Author: almicah
Pairing: Callie/Arizona
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Callie and Mark get drunk, not good
Disclaimer: All television shows, books, movies, and other copyrighted material referred to in this work and the characters, events, and settings thereof are the properties of their respective owners. As this work is
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Comments 4
Part 2 still said "one shot" in the title when it was posted on the comm. I kept waiting for a flashback to figure out what happened exactly at Joe's but here it is!
Regardless, I love the suspense/emotion you've built up here! And the second part was super long and awesome and I loved Lexi stealing the plane ticket! I hope Callie calls and flaunts her money to have them stop the plane or something; some grand gesture. It would be awesome! :D
Ugh, the ring! Broke my freaking heart. Poor Arizona. Feels so betrayed.
And stupid Callie but poor Callie too. Obviously she never meant to hurt Arizona... *sigh* Can't wait for Part 3!
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