Title: After the last Fall Out Boy show (or I couldn't think of anything more cliche to call this trite)
Pairing: peterick
Summary: after the show shit gets frisky
Rated: pg-13 tho
A/N: I wrote this because there was a really bad FOB sexual frustration post and I had to do it, I just had to.
Patrick caught Pete’s eye just as the bridge of Chicago Is So Two Years ago hit. It was perfect eye contact, and Pete’s smile was wide. There was something about the eye contact and the look Patrick returned that made Pete shiver. After the show a fan tried to stick around and go party with the band, but Pete had more important things to do than deal with some hussy. He walked up behind Patrick, whispering in his ear, nipping at it gently. “Maybe we should head back to your bus.”
Patrick just nods vigorously and pulls Pete to the bus, barely making it inside before Pete was placing light kisses along Patrick’s neck. As soon as the door shut Patrick pressed Pete against it, kissing him deep and dirty. Not stopping until they both came up gasping for air. They stumbled to the back lounge, or made it that far, before Pete shoved Patrick onto the couch, climbing into his lap.
Everything was hot and tense, and perfect. They made music just in the way their hips crashed together in a frantic attempt to find solace. Shirts pulled away, pants unbuckled and unbuttoned. Hands tracing and searching, mouth sucking and biting. No, it wasn’t perfect, but it was wrong enough to be right. It was too much and not enough, and something neither of them could ever forget.
Afterward, Pete pulled Patrick sideways to cuddle on the couch as he drifted off to sleep well, and dream well, for the first time all tour. Patrick pulled on a shirt after Pete had slipped into his dreams, out of habit and self-consciousness he was still trying to overcome. It ended up being Pete’s but it didn’t really matter as Patrick lay back down and held onto him, drifting off just as easily.
In the morning Joe teased them for falling asleep together on the couch, and Pete just smiled and made a slightly blushing Patrick some coffee and toast and eventually, Patrick smiled back. Albeit slightly annoyed as Pete started talking of wedding plans.