Title: A Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year Pairing: Peterick Rated: PG-13 Summary: Patrick continues his strange journey with Pete, sneaking out, Christmas parties, New Years, oh my... A/N: Sequel to Happy Halloween
Hi~ I found your story originally over at Archive of our own, and I got to tell you, I've read this series or verse at least 4x. It's funny, sweet, captures the awkward stages when you're not sure how you're supposed to act. It's also too damn short. ;)
Thank you so much for creating it in the first place. It's a nice place to visit when I'm looking for something that's pure fun.
aww thank you, yeah im trying to post here and on ao3 too but i've been hella busy since i wrote this.....real life jobs and all :/ but i meant to write a fic for all or at least most holidays and show progression of their relationship but haven't quite had time.... thank you regardless, and i'll try and get something else written down eventually :3
Comments 3
Thank you so much for creating it in the first place. It's a nice place to visit when I'm looking for something that's pure fun.
Kerry =)
but i meant to write a fic for all or at least most holidays and show progression of their relationship but haven't quite had time....
thank you regardless, and i'll try and get something else written down eventually :3
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