Title: Get Up and Kill (part the first)
Summary:"They're coming to get you Barbara" Gerard quietly mouths along to the movie before lighting another cigarette. Just as she screams, the power goes out. It's so perfectly timed that Gerard can't help but laugh.
Warnings: Slight Cussing, nothing really terrible for this part.
Disclaimer: List of things I don't own includes: My Chemical Romance, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Night of the Living Dead, Marlboro, and/or good puns.
She stands up and stumbles down the dirt road, she doesn't have to run to see the men chasing after her. She already hears the chainsaw. She quickens her pace until one of the men grabs her and begins slicing through the back of her shirt. She writhes as the chainsaw becomes louder, drowning out her screams.
"Man, I love this part. Oh shit, watch the guy with the knife when this semi comes! Fuck, how do you think they shot that shit back then?"
"They used a dummy, and 'back then'? This movie was made 3 years before you were born."
"Yeah..but still...it's kickass no matter what you say." Gerard flicks on his lighter and inhales slowly until the tip of the Marlboro glows red.
"If you're gonna do that shit inside you gotta share." Mikey leaned over his brother, careful not to singe himself on the burning cigarette, and shook another out of the pack. Gerard soundlessly offered the lighter as the girl on screen laughed maniacally from the back of a pickup truck, having supposedly gotten away.
Mikey's sidekick started buzzing and playing a snippet of Run to the Hills, as Gerard switched out the DVDs.
"Hey, Ray." Ray's animated voice could be heard through the phone's speaker as the movie starts up. Mikey dropped what was left of his cigarette into the mostly empty soda can on the table before standing up and walking to the kitchen. Time stretches, Mikey's laughter drifts from the kitchen.
"They're coming to get you Barbara" Gerard quietly mouthes along to the movie before lighting another cigarette. Just as she screams, the power goes out. It's so perfectly timed that Gerard can't help but laugh.
"What the fuck? Gee, did you forget to pay the bill again?" Mikey's back in the room, cell phone still glued to his ear.
"What? No..I mean..I think...probably." Waving a hand with an air of finality Gerard re-lights the cigarette, a red glow in the darkness. Ray speaking again as Mikey tries to maneuver around the coffee table without major shin damage. The light's flicker on, the sound of the fridge whirs back to life.
"Definitely, I definitely paid the-" Once again everything's plunged into pitch black. Now that the sound of the fridge was noticed, without it... it's very quiet. Outside, somewhere out on a street nearby, there's a deafening screech-crash.
"What? Ray..you-you 'aired ore itchny og'? Shit, I can't-" Two beeps fill the silence, phone's dead.
"Hey Mikey."
"They're coming to get you Mikey." Gerard quips, effectively mimicking the line from the movie. Even in the lack of light Gerard could see the roll of Mikey's eyes. "They're coming for you Mikey."
"Stop it, you're acting like a child." It's said in an over-bored voice, that knows the responding lines too well.
"They're coming for you!" Gerard can't help but keep it going, now that Mikey's replied of course. "Look! There come one of them now!" Instantaneously the lights flicker once more and Gerard's phone rings out with a blood-curdling scream, Ray calling back. The brother's won't admit it made them jump.
Gerard feels around on the couch as the phone screams again. "Dude, don't grab my dick!"
"Shit, sorry..." Grab the remote, not the phone, another scream. Finally, "Hey."
"Dude, what happened? Mikey said the power went out, you forget to pay the bills?"
"Yeah, still out, no I didn't...his phone just died, what's been up?" Gerard ignores the fact that it had been Mikey's call that was interrupted.
"I was telling Mikey about this weird-ass article that's on the front page of Yahoo! news, some guy in Indiana is being convicted for murder for shooting his son in the face."
"The fuck?" Gerard bats Mikey's hand away as he attempts to reach the phone.
"Exactly, turns out the kid had it coming. He bit his dad, like, took a chunk out bit."
"Huh..." Looking next to him, Gerard sees Mikey in the flickering flame of the lighter, starting in on another cigarette.
"Some weird shit, Indianans are weird."
"Indianites." Gerard correct.
"Indians." Mikey offers the conversation.
"Yeah, whatever...it's getting late here, so...gonna go to bed since there's nothing else to do in the dark."
"Oh, there are other things to do in the dark." Mikey adds. Ray hears and laughs.
"Talk to you guys later then." Flick the phone shut, set it down.
"Well, then goodnight...don't let the vampires bite." Gerard walks out of the room, Mikey finishes his cigarette before following suit.
Part 2