So for physics this week I have an assignment due on Wednesday, a test of Thursday, and a giant end-of-semester project due on Friday.
For Biology this week I have a final lab exam tomorrow and a test on Wednesday.
For Chemistry this week I have a test on Thursday.
And for English this week, I have a test on Friday.
For humanities I basically have to sit in my chair clamping my fingers down on the desk until my knuckles turn glowy white so I don't kill my teacher about whom I must rant sometime, and in gym I get to splash around in the pool because Teacher has Mercy.
In other news, I called a guy today who was going to get me into the
Kentucky Equine Management Internship (KEMI) program, but when we spoke he was super-hurried and busy and could I please send him an e-mail so he could hook me up with the KEMI coordinator's contacts. Uh... sure. So I did, apologizing if I interrupted anything important and stuff, and then he sent back all the necessary info, and absolutely nothing else. No actual words. Which was weird, because even the last e-mail he sent me had some sentences in it. The emoteen in me wants to think I'm annoying and unimportant, but I'm just going to pretend he really was super-hurried and busy today. BECAUSE OPTIMISM IS GOOD AND EMOTEENISM IS BAD.
Still, I was looking over the application process and if I can get at least three reference letters (one from an academic source, one from a previous employer and one from a horse-related coach/person) I think I've got a decent shot at getting in. Provided I step up my horsiness a bit... I should probably double up my lessons over the winter or something. And then step them up bigtime in early summer before the KEMI term starts in July.
In other other news,
OMG BUM REVIEWS REVIEWED TWILIGHT. I laughed so unbelievably hard at this, because I don't think That Guy really knew that much about the story before he went to see it (and promptly had Chester do the most awesomest rant ever
after Cleolinda.)
I think it might be fun to send a Twilight noob over to Bum Reviews' rant... just because I'm sure his/her reaction when/if he/she sees the actual movie will be somewhat akin to what I did when I realized that Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull actually did feature a pyramid spaceship. THE BUM NEVER LIES.
Oh and by the way I AM GREEN.
Your rainbow is strongly shaded green.
What is says about you: You are an intelligent person. You feel strong ties to nature and your mood changes with its cycles. Those around you admire your fresh outlook and vitality.
Find the colors of your rainbow at