Title: Unspoken Fandom: Hikaru no Go Character: Touya Akiko, Touya Kouyou Word Count: ~200 Notes: originally for a drabble meme on the hikarunogo comm on dreamwidth.
Title: Solecism Fandom: HP Character: Minerva McGonagall, James Potter, Severus Snape Word Count: ~300 Notes: for a prompt from a set by readerofasaph, which seemed to consist mostly of words I had to look up in a dictionary :P
Characters: Touya Akira Summary: for the prompt 'last man standing'. It's lonely at the top. Word count: ~350 Notes: the one that I should have submitted for hng_deathmatch, perhaps.
Title: Changing the Rules Fandom: PoT Word Count: 100 Notes: for the prompt 'changing the rules' in the drabble meme here. Tezuka's thoughts on his semi-final match.