today there was some band practice. we got this song down, what ive become. and the second verse i start to like emo scream and we all jsut really got into it and were all excited. it really rawx
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last night we had dinner and everything. traditionall crap for crap. my dad used this phrase twice "whats that thing that used to really get to Evan?" ... yeah, my dad was out to get me as well last night. great stuff. he is almost 50 and i swear its like he needs a babysitter badly
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my head hurts and its been hurting for a few hours and i feel kind of sick or something. stupid chirstmas eve. christmas eve eve was so much better
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i had some more vocal practice at mikes, that was kind of fun, we got some pizza and his 2 brothers, him and me had a discussion on comic book characters and the like. nerd times all the way woot woot
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christmas is in 2 it doesnt feel like it at all... i dont think i care too much about christmas anymore, seriously i dont think i do. what age is too young to stop believing in santa? i stopped when i was 5 because adam( he was still adam then) told me that he wasnt real and so i was mad for a few minutes and then i guess i just accepted
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in other news: erin also might have so glad i didnt touch that cat... but i dont trust erin or atom enough to not bite me and try to give me rabies. both of them have said that they would and they are both sick enough to do that to me... so maybe i need a place to stay until i know i wont be biten by my rabies infected siblings.
me and mike had some vocal practice today, it rawked pretty good, i hit my notes and all, just takes a little practice, and we made a new song, or the outline of one in like a minute, it was great
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i woke up a few hours ago. i wanted to sleep longer, but i cant get back to sleep sometimes. i was watching Tv and my mom is like, "you arent watching TV all day..." i wasnt going to, but it means that she or my dad(most likely my dad because if you are home from school you should be doing some kind of chore or youre worthless...someone save me
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i cant get on AIM until thursday or friday or some crap because my sister was being an incredible BI when i wouldnt get off the computer, i was talking to a lot of people and sending files and my sister freaks out and calls my parents and tells them ive been on for hours or some crap. she gets on for like 6 hours at a time, i get on for a few and
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