(no subject)

Nov 06, 2004 00:09

You Know You're From Worcester When... You've say bubbler instead of water fountain. You live on a "private road" that is unpaved and more rutted than roads in rural Dominan Republic. You think of $280,000 as cheap for a house. You know what a Fisher Cat is. Your school classes were canceled because of frozen and burst pipes. You know how to say Shrewsbury (shoes-bree), Worcester (Wusta), Marlborough (Marl-Bro), Leicester (lester), Leomenster (lemon-ster). The mention of Bill Buckner makes you cry. You think nothing of comuting two hours each way to work. But you think people who drive 30 minutes to get to church are werid. You think 70 degrees is hot and a perfectly fine time to go to the beach or pool. You know what Turtle boy is and wonder why anyone would make a sculpture of a man humping a turtle. You know the holy trinity is Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks and, Friendly's. There's at least 2 of the three on any major intersection. You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Worcester.

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