Writer signups

Jan 27, 2014 07:03

Comment below to sign up as a writer for the Almost Human Big Bang.

You are signing up to create an Almost Human-related written project (fiction, meta or a combination of the two) of at least 10,000 words.

You must submit a draft of your project by 12 June. Whether this is a rough or final draft depends on the outcome of our poll.

Signing up is a statement of intent; if you sign up but find you can't finish by the submission deadline, you can drop out with no penalty. Submitting your rough draft (if we go with that way of doing things) is considered a commitment to have a final version ready by the deadline.

Drafts are due on 12 June. There are no extensions for rough drafts because art claims open a few days later. Extensions to the final deadline can be negotiated with the mods.

How to sign up

Please make sure you have read the rules and FAQ before you sign up.

To sign up, please comment with the following information:

Name (or LJ name): This is the name you use as a writer.
Email address:
Are you interested in writing more than one project?:
Tell us a little about what you plan to write:
I confirm I have read and understood the Big Bang rules.

Handy copy/paste version:
LJ username (if applicable):
Name (or LJ name): This is the name you use as a writer.
Email address:
Are you interested in writing more than one project?:
Tell us a little about what you plan to write:
I have read and understand the big bang rules: yes/no*
delete as applicable

If you don't want to post your email in a public post, you can email the mods with this information separately (almosthumanbigbang at gmail dot com), but you must sign up by commenting on this post.

Hopefully, everyone who signs up will submit a project or two in June. But we understand that's a long way off and things can change. If you want to withdraw your sign up, you can do so any time before the deadline just by deleting your comment on this post or by commenting again to let the mods know. But you don't even have to do that; if you decide not send in a project when the time comes, the mods will assume you've dropped out. No harm, no foul.
Writers' Signups are now CLOSED.


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