9. Intellectual Dom.
Will to power
jubilancyDom/Ian Somerhalder
"This book is so amazing," Ian says. "Have you ever read it?"
"Yeah. Well. Sort of," Dom answers, reclining in the sand nearby. "We discussed it in a class I was taking... it was ages ago."
Ian flaps the paperback of Beyond Good and Evil at him. "It's really mindblowing stuff. Like, he's writing that the will to survive isn't the most basic drive. He says the will to exert power is even more strong. Which if you think about it, that explains a lot? Like, how people are willing to die in a war for a cause, you know? Because if their side wins, they exert power over other people, even if they personally don't survive. See?"
"Very clever," Dom says, folding his hands behind his head and arching his back til his shirt rides up, baring a tanned strip of skin.
"This is amazing stuff. What did you think of it, when you studied it?"
"Honestly?" Dom tilts back his head, eyes closed against the sun overhead. "I wasn't bothered. Sort of had other things on my mind. This bloke who was sat up ahead of me had the most amazing arse. And just my type as well. Fit, tall, dark hair, blue eyes... you know."
Ian blinks, and sneaks another look at the visible slice of Dom's honed and polished abs. "Uh. You know some German, right? I'd love to talk more about what some of these words mean, the phrases they can't translate. You could come over?"
Dom grins, eyes still closed. "I certainly could."
Five weeks and a great deal of amazing sex later, Dom dumps him.
"So you've exerted a little will to power over me and now you're gonna go conquer the next fit dark-haired guy?" Ian asks sarcastically.
"No. Will to power is about mastering yourself, overcoming your self-imposed obstacles and improving yourself," Dom answers. "I'm not going to improve myself laying about here, or shagging like a rabbit. I'm going to spend my time reading and meditating, and re-learning German, I've got rusty." Ian stares aghast and Dom shrugs. "You wanted me to read the book!"
"Well, now I want you to quit reading it and fuck me," Ian sulks, but it's too late.
Dom, everyone's buddy and a great believer in keeping the energy up on set, suddenly starts spending all his breaks reading and assuming yoga positions for long silent stretches. The charged, exciting atmosphere of the Lost set slowly starts to ebb.
Then Ian's character is killed off. He packs up his stuff-- but no books, not even something to read on the plane. He goes back to New York, swearing off philosophy forever.