What broken bones may break now wake
Whatever turns a course may EVEREVER take
What moons shine life to ships? and skulls?
What storm tossed seas may rest in lulls
And if I said I wanted a pirate’s life
Would you take me seriously?
If I said I wanted a pirate's life
Would you take me seriously?
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Feb 21, 2010 14:05
The poor little fertile bird
Who never swells with egg
But pushes them into the world
Blue and white and clean.
I laid an egg this morning!
Feb 21, 2010 14:02
Don’t go she says
But where else are men made
Like boys who swim with sharks
And dance naked at night, holding teeth and toes
And all dressed all in whale's bones.
Feb 21, 2010 13:58
In the spirit of Ganja Sandwich, I'll post my post magical mushrooms poem. It's not as legit as something from the thick of the experience, though I was still pretty out of it. And next time I promise a much more epic length, if not quality. Sometimes you just have to keep looking through your brain
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Feb 21, 2010 13:55
Here’s to dreams, and what I own
Here’s to nights, bats, burgers: me alone
And just as souls do twist, entwine
I must resist, or cross some line
Nights and nights, lights above
These are days that lie in love
And though at rest no sleep shall find
Close down the iris: your waking mind.
Feb 21, 2010 13:53
I found out how to make all the Livejournal news and shit stop appearing on my friends page! I'm so excited
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