Title: Kindred Spirits Author: Delphi Rating: R Pairing: Argus Filch/Peter Pettigrew Summary: Written for pauraque whose stories and character discussions are solely to blame for making me fond of Peter. Warnings: Underage Issues.
I love the way the interaction between them grows and I love the glimpse into Filch's thought process here. The line about pretending that Peter's come willingly is so perfect-- his deception and the fact that he really wants companionship of some sort come right through. You've managed to capture the psychology and the physical details so well in such a short story. Great job!
I love this. The characterization is spot on, and the way that you blend narrative with thoughts is very skillfully done. The use of repetition is excellent as well, and despite not really liking Peter-centric stories or Filch-centric stories, I am definitely very impressed.
Comments 4
I love the way the interaction between them grows and I love the glimpse into Filch's thought process here. The line about pretending that Peter's come willingly is so perfect-- his deception and the fact that he really wants companionship of some sort come right through. You've managed to capture the psychology and the physical details so well in such a short story. Great job!
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