[fanfiction] OUR SECRET PLAY : CHAP 3

Jul 14, 2014 22:29

Title: Our Secret Play
Author: inookei_22 and me
Pairing: Yabu/Inoo
Rating: PG
Warnings: Yuto plays as bad guy here.
Summary: Troubles do come one after another right? And that's exactly what this couple is going through. Specially when they know the true color of Yuto.

"I...want to marry you." Inoo said. Well, he can’t let Yabu die, can he?

"I'm glad....." Yuto stand, grab both of Inoo's hand and hugging Inoo. For that moment Inoo feel what Yuto giving for him is real, that Yuto IS really loving Inoo deep down from his untouchable heart. When Yuto hugging Inoo, Inoo thinking about what Yuto said. 'I'm not kid I used to be.....' What that supposed to mean? Inoo never had a memory he ever met Yuto before but Yuto act like they knew each other.
After Inoo agrees, Yuto lets Yabu go but he securely take Inoo to his house and guards it with many guards. So Inoo can’t escape and Yabu can’t take Inoo and escape with him.


Inoo already decided to marry Yuto for Yabu's sake. He already try to escape but when it seems like escape from Yuto is far from possible, Inoo gave up and giving the rest of his life be with Yuto even his heart not in that person, or will he? Inoo knows how much Yabu is hurt by his choice.

Now Inoo and Yuto resting in Yuto residence. Yuto laying in the couch when Inoo blankly staring the TV, he doesn't know what to do.
"Yuto...." Inoo called Yuto in such unmotivated tone.

"Yes love" Yuto answer sweetly.

"You earlier said you're not the kid you used to be... What does that mean? It seems like we ever met before." Inoo said. Yuto stares blankly to Inoo as if his heart is chopped into small pieces. Yuto looks like gonna answer but suddenly he stands up.

"If you can figure that out and the reason why I want to marry you... I will cancel the marriage and let you go with Yabu without condition." Yuto said. There’s a slight bitter smile on his face.

"Really?" Inoo asks in disbelief, he seriously going to do that? Yuto walks away to his room.

"Yep. I keep my words to you. But if...you know the answer to those 2 questions." Yuto said as he walks away. A drop of tear rolled down, and no one knows what does it means.


The next day, Yuto went to his company for work while Inoo is still in Yuto’s residence, he’s being guarded securely by some man in black. Well, Yuto doesn’t want him to run away. Inoo called Yabu, he wants to tell about the deal he made with Yuto.

"… He said that." Inoo said after he tells all about their conversation.

" So,what we have to do now?" Yabu asks. Well, he doesn’t have any idea about what Yuto means.

"Find my year book. Maybe he's in there." Inoo lets out an idea. There’s a possibility that Yuto was in the same school as he was.

"Alright, I’ll do that, dear~” Yabu said. Inoo smiles.


Later that day, Yabu goes to Yuto’s residence, Inoo called his friend to grab his graduation book and send it to Yuto's house because he's not allowed to go outside. Yuto was there too, but he’s on his office room. After the book in Inoo's hand, Yabu and Inoo begin searching. If they know inoo and Yuto's past, they’ll get the ticket to their freedom.

"I get nothing here. There's no kid name Nakajima Yuto." Inoo groan desperately while holding his kindergarten graduation book.

"Hang on." Yabu point something to Inoo in the elementary graduation book.
"look, there's a page of list for student who didn't show in the picture." Yabu said. Inoo looks at it and nods. Inoo see the name 'nakajima Yuto' is in there in 6A.
"Is he really the same person?" Yabu asks.

"We have to check on that." Said Inoo. He has a thought.

"How?" Yabu asks plainly.

"Our teacher. She was a part-time young teacher. I supposed she still remember for what happen in my elementary school. I don’t know where is she now and Yuto won't let me out from this cage.” Inoo pout cutely. Yabu nicely pats Inoo’s head and smiles.

"I will meet her for you." Yabu said. Inoo smiles happily and hugs Yabu. But then suddenly Yuto comes up and pulls Inoo away from Yabu.

"Time's up!" Yuto show up forcing Yabu to go home.

"Jya nee Kei-chan." Yabu said as some man in black drag him out. Inoo waves his hands while Yuto hugs him from behind.

"Matta ashita Kou..."


Once Yabu reach his apartment, he call Inoo's elementary school and asking for the teacher, gladly he find a clue where to find her.
Yabu is in the train heading Hokkaido to meet Inoo's teacher. The long 4 hours ride he spent it with listening to music and looking at his and Inoo's picture. They have been together since as long as he know. The presence of Yuto seems a mystery for them.

Yabu looking at particular apartment where the teacher live. After he find one, he knocking the door 5 time until a voice heard from the inside.
Fine young lady come out, she's about 35 or older, wearing pastel color sweater
"Ah... Yabu Kota desu. I'm sorry for bother I cause, but I'm Inoo's lover." Yabu show up he and Inoo's picture together. "you may forget Inoo but you are his teacher back at elementary time. Inoo is a good bubbly kid's back there you may notice him..." Yabu tries to explain, but then she cuts Yabu off.

"I know you Yabu...and Inoo too." She said. Yabu tilts his head.
"Come on in." She said again.

They sit face to face in the living room.
"What? You expect me to know about his elementary time?" She asks while pouring some tea for Yabu.

"See... To make it short my lover is now forced to marry someone who seems to be take part in Inoo's life at elementary school." Yabu point the page where 'nakajima yuto' name exist.
Yabu tell everything to her and she nod after the explanation.
Yabu showing her the picture of soon-to-be Inoo's husband.
"Is this Yuto is the same as yuto who written in this book.” Yabu asks. At the moment she's about to cry, she look up to Yabu, nod once and said :

"I know Yuto and Inoo too well."

[Flash back]
"Yuto weakling...yuto weakling!" Some kids gathered around Yuto, taking the poor kid's belonging and throwing it somewhere else far from the thin boy.
"Please don't do that!" The little boy begs. But how many times he does that the bully getting worse.
"Leave him alone!"
One other kid show up and pulling the bully away. "If you dare to do that again I will not forgive you all."
"Let's go back. Inoo's coming." The bully run to the school building, leaving Inoo and the poor boy alone.
"Can you stand?" Inoo helping the kid to get up. Inoo cleaning the dirt in Yuto's clothes and gathering the boy's belonging.

"You have to stand for them. If not they keep bully you."
"I can't."
"I don't have any other choice but to be with you untill they not bother you again."
"Really?" there’s a spark enlighting in later’s eyes.
"Of course. We are best friend right,Yuto?"

Since that time Yuto and Inoo is unseperateable. They doing things together.
"Nee Inoo….Who will you marry when you grow up?"
"I don't know. That seems loong time later. How about you?"
Yuto kiss Inoo cheek giving the older boy blush. "I want to marry my savior."
"Heee.... is it boy should marry woman?"
"But I love you. I think it's okay." Yuto smiling.
Inoo smile back and hugging the later. But then Yuto cough so badly. "Yuto! Have you drink your medince?" Ask Inoo worriedly.

"I have. But seems my cough get worse. I want to get healthy. I want to be with you."
"If my sickness get worse, my family will bring me to next country. They separate me from you."
"I won't let that." Inoo shake his head.
"I thought you will."
"After all you are my husband right? I promise to marry you once we got older."


The day come. Yuto been force to go to China for the sake of Yuto's health. But the day of his depart, Inoo promise to meet him in the school gate. But the older never show up.

"Attention please, now I introduce your new friend. You may introduce yourself boy." Say the teacher to her students.
"Yabu kota desu, I come here yesterday. Nice to meet you all."
"You can sit next to Inoo-chan."
Yabu sit in front of Inoo, he look back and giving his no-eyes smile.
"Yoroshiku." Said Inoo laughing.
"Your smile is the best! It's funny." The day Inoo and yabu met, the day they become close to each other.
"Want to show up the school for me?"

At that time...
"Yuto... The taxi waiting. We have to go to airport."
"But Inoo-chan is waiting."
"He maybe study now dear."
"But how I giving this to him?" Yuto show some plastic ring he intend to give to Inoo."
"I pass it to the teacher to send it to Inoo. Now go to the taxi. We're going."

The teacher giving Inoo's plastic ring. "Yuto...." Inoo stared blankly to the small ring in his hand.
"Who?" Said Yabu.
"My friend. He left today. I forget to say goodbye."
"You can keep it as his memento."
But later before his graduation on high school, Inoo lost the ring.
"I couldn't find it." Inoo searching for the ring.
"But Inoo it's getting dark. We may asked teacher to find it for you."
Yabu persuade Inoo to go home.
Later they home teacher did find the ring but Inoo didn't come back to school, the middle school life and Yabu make him forget about the ring, about Yuto.
[End of flash back]

She giving that ring from the past. "This supposed to be with Inoo."
"Oh...I made something terrible." Yabu gasp.
"I'm the villain. I separate Yuto from Inoo."


PS: sorry for looooong update for this fic /hug all and sis nana/

pairing: inoo-yabu, fanfiction: hey! say! jump, rating: pg-13

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