Title: The Definition of Success
Author: Alone Dreaming
Rating: PG (for...um... accusations? Probably just G)
Characters: Holmes, OC: Constable Campbell, Watson (is mentioned)
Warnings: None, really
Words: 500
“Constable Campbell, I see my jailer has chosen to allow me companionship.”
“He seemed to believe that neither you nor I would take no for an answer.”
“Then he assumed correctly. Sit down, please, you are obviously exhausted.”
“Honestly, Mister Holmes, you look like death itself. Perhaps we ought-”
“We both know that time is of the essence, Constable Campbell. Despite Doctor Shoburn’s gloomy outlook, I can spare the energy to deliver what I’ve uncovered. Do you need a drink?”
“I am quite well, thank you. Focus your energy on your recovery.”
“Social niceties, sir, as is expected should I not be bedridden. I have no intentions of removing myself from this room unless Doctor Shoburn refuses my request.”
“Dare I ask?”
“I need Watson in here with me at the earliest possible convenience. I must eliminate the hold Mister Rainsford has over him before he wounds himself further.”
“Mister Rainsford? Mister Holmes, I need an explanation before you go making wild accusations!”
“My conclusions are far from wild and should be easily deciphered without extreme detail. When did you last visited Mister Rainsford, Constable?”
“Five months ago for dinner. Gareth and I are old friends. Why? What does it matter?”
“What did you notice about the state of the house?”
“Nothing out of the ordinary! Mister Holmes, Gareth is the kindest and gentlest man I’ve ever met. To think he would harm another person baffles even my vivid imagination.”
“I think it takes far less imagination than you believe. Was he not missing a few servants when you were there? I can wager he even said he was cutting back and trying a more subdued lifestyle.”
“He said something to that affect but Gareth is always trying to cut his roots. It does not surprise me that he would pare down his staff until he had just the bare necessities.”
“But a house that size with animals and lands takes a large staff. Surely you noticed that the house and grounds were in disrepair?”
“Somewhat, but it was nearly winter and not the time for crawling up barns and sheds.”
“Despite your wish to find a different explanation, Constable, these facts all point to one conclusion. Mister Rainsford has fallen upon hard times of late.”
“Preposterous, he and Ava both come from money, a great deal of it.”
“And it has been spent. Tell me, what does Gareth think of the card tables?”
“He enjoys them as much as any gentleman… Are you insinuating that he has fallen into destitution due to gambling?”
“He would not be the first, Constable Campbell, and certainly not the last. Can’t you see what I have seen?”
“That Mister Rainsford stole his wife’s gems and murdered the maid for the insurance? Why not just sell the jewels himself and avoid the law all together?”
“And have you not just said that such behavior is unbefitting of the man?”
“Mister Holmes, speak plainly. Who should I arrest?”
“I would start with-ah, Watson!”