Nov 13, 2005 17:44
chorus concert sucked.. insanely. all the other choruses did very well and I am proud of them but I am very disappointed with Advanced Treble, we could have and should have done a lot better, hopefully after this everyone will try harder.
Nov 12, 2005 19:20
Kyles Poem:
"beauty is in the eye of the beholders,
but my eyes - fixated on these boulders,
life and love is what we make it,
heres five bucks, now strip and shake it"
isn't that great??
Nov 12, 2005 13:28
Horoscope for my birthday (november 17th):
Intense communications, either from or about a dear one, will bring you good news -- news you've been anxiously awaiting for a long, long time. Now just relax and patient.
Shall it come true? we'll see.
Nov 11, 2005 14:19
Birthday presents so far:
5 Pairs of shoes.
1 Batman Jacket
1 Pink jacket.
1 Bucket of Old School Loc Blocs (legos) from 1981.
1 ATARI game system.
1 All expense paid trip to Washington DC over Spring Break.
Birthday presents to come:
1 Nintendo Game Cube. (hopefully)
pretty effing saweet.
Nov 11, 2005 11:18
Loc Blocs = Old School Legos. From 1981. pretty effing saweet.
Nov 09, 2005 20:07
I am pretty much... D E A D.
yep.. pretty much.
Nov 06, 2005 16:49
forfit = LOVE!
I am in the best mood EVER, and I have no clue why!