Title: Again, Hyung?
Prompt: 048. That Girl
Pairing: Eeteuk/Hankyung Friendship. HanRy. Eeteuk/OFC
Genre: fluff
Summary: Hankyung always gets dragged clubbing with Eeteuk
Hankyung sighed heavily. He always seemed to get pulled into going clubbing with Leeteuk, despite hating going to clubs. In KangIn’s words, “someone has to keep an eye on Eeteuk.” The only thing Hankyung didn’t understand was why it always seemed to be him that Leeteuk brought with him to go clubbing.
Speaking of the eternal leader, he was drunk off his ass…or at least he was acting like it, convincingly too.
“What about that girl sitting over there? She’s kinda cute” The drunken older man pointed to a slightly tan, dark brown haired, with two bright blue streaks in her hair, slim and petite young woman, who probably couldn’t be over 19 years old.
“Not my type, Hyung. Why don’t you and I go home now? You are fairly drunk after all.” Hankyung tried to persuade the older man to go back to the dorms. He only wanted to curl up next to Henry and have a soft conversation with his lover, he didn’t want to be here in the smoky, loud and crowded bar.
“Excuse me, can either of you point me to the bathrooms?” The same girl that Eeteuk had been pointing to was by their side, smiling blindingly. Hankyung stared and blinked, Eeteuk had suddenly sobered up, proving to Hankyung that the man had never been drunk.
“Have I seen you before?” Eeteuk asked the young girl. Hankyung was beyond confused, he thought Eeteuk was trying to set him up, not knowing about
“It’s possible Eeteuk-oppa. I’m a college student and run a small radio show specializing in American rock music. But really, where’s the bathroom?” She smiled at the two of them.
“I thought so. I see you in the studio all the time. Are you a Super Junior fan then? And the bathroom is the third door on the left. Be sure to lock the door though” Eeteuk said, flashing a blinding smile as Hankyung looked on confused
“Yeah, I thought you passing by my room fairly often. Thank you. Um…Hankyung-oppa, would you go out with me?” She smiled shyly at the two men.
“Sorry miss, but I already have a boyfriend.. Actually, do you mind keeping an eye on Eeteuk-hyung for me? I’m late for my date“ Hankyung said softly, feeling bad about the rejection but somehow, knowing she would understand.
“Of course I will. I just had to ask, you’re not really my type. It just seemed like Eeteuk-oppa wanted me too, and I asked. I’m sorry, now go on your date and have fun” The young woman smiled at him
“Thank you.” Hankyung smiled, knowing that if he left now, he could convince Henry to watch a horror movie and hopefully have a cuddlefest beneath the blanket on the couch.