Title: Forgotten Birthdays and New Birthday Surprises.
alonethistime5 Prompt: 059. Calendar
Pairing: Eeteuk/Eeteuk, Eeteuk/ofc
Summary: Eeteuk forgets an important date for his girlfriend and begins a plot to make it up to her.
a/n: this is the result of far to much free time and not enough sleep. plus i was bored......sorry if it makes no sense.
Eeteuk glared at the calendar that read June 11, 2010. He had never liked calendars but for some reason, this date was making him nervous. He was out with Super Junior, currently they are in Singapore, supporting his band and making the fans of yet another country happy with his “new and improved appearance”. If only they knew he had a girlfriend to thank for his new body.
“Teukie-Hyung! Teukie-Hyung! Your phone is ringing…I think it’s Jade-noona!” Sungmin’s voice rang through the mini-bus, effectively breaking through Leeteuk’s moody silence.
“Thank you Sungminnie!” Eeteuk said, smiling sweetly at the younger man.
“Yeboseyo?” He answered his phone, cutting off the sounds of June singing Baby Its You. Jade had reprogrammed her ringtone after she heard the Japanese song on one of her favorite anime soundtracks, which he wasn’t that surprised by but the fact that she had been able to reprogram his phone had surprised him slightly, he couldn’t even figure that out yet.
“HI JUNGSU-OPPA! do you remember what today is?” Jade’s voice soothed away some of the stress that the poor leader of Super Junior had been under lately.
“um….your birthday?” he asked hesitantly, not really wanting to anger the younger woman; she was freaking scary when she was angry.
“YOU REMEMBERED!!!!!!!!” Jade squealed loudly through the phone.
“I’m just sorry that I won’t be there to celebrate with you on this special day.” Eeteuk overdramatically stated, trying to compensate for forgetting and really his luck must be looking up because he had two more weeks to find her a suitable present.
“‘s ok! My coz got the day off so he’s taking me out shopping and to get a haircut and dye and I think dinner too!”
“That sounds fun Jade. What color are you planning on dying your hair?” Eeteuk asked his over-excited girlfriend, still glaring at the unassuming calendar app that Siwon was messing around with, damned calendars were the bane of his existence and they KNEW IT!
“hmmm…maybe purple this time? what do you think?” Jade’s voice was soft through the phone, as if she were hesitant to ask his opinion on it.
“I think that it’s perfect for you. Red Ocean + Sapphire Blue = Purple Dream after all. Aren’t you the one who came up with that?” Eeteuk teased his girlfriend, knowing know what he was going to get her for her birthday. Despite all the time she spent with him she had yet to meet her second favorite Korean band, DBSK. He was going to get a copy of the Mirotic Tour and a meeting with the boys, it would truly make her day.
“Oh shut up oppa. ah… my cousin just arrived. I hafta go. saranghaeyo Jungsu oppa!” Jade chirped happily and gave Eeteuk just enough time to respond with a soft confession of love of his own before she hung up the phone.
Eeteuk smirked at the calendar app that Siwon was playing with one last time before he took his phone and dialed a familiar number to start planning a surprise for his girlfriend. He knew that Yunho and his group were dying to meet the girl who had changed their friend for the better and this was the perfect way to surprise her for her birthday too.