Stolen from
bravenewcentury and others.
Impossible Delilah (Fic, X-Files, Scully/Mulder)
A Basket of Reeds (Fic, X-Files, Scully)
Another Dark Forest (Fic, X-Files, Scully/Mulder)
Hell-A Woman (Fic, X-Files/Californication, Scully/Ashby)
Linguaphilia (Fic, X-Files, Scully/Mulder)
This Her Fever (Fic, X-Files, Scully/Mulder)
Post Modern Social Networking (Fic, X-Files, Scully/Mulder/Facebook)
A Woman’s Work (Fic, Battlestar Galactica, Kara/Lee)
Samson (Fic, X-Files, Mulder/Fowley)
Under A Juniper Tree (Fic, X-Files, Scully/Mulder)
Thirteen Ways Of Looking At Fanfic Cliches (Fic, X-Files)
Balm In Gilead (Fic, X-Files, Scully/Mulder
The Lake Isle Of Innisfree (Fic, Battlestar Galactica, Laura Roslin)
Inveigle, Obfuscate, And Boogie (Fanmix, X-Files)
A Dim Capacity For Wings (Fic, X-Files, Scully/Mulder)
155 Words: Time In A Bottle (Fic, X-Files, Scully/Mulder)
The Backbone of Night (Fic, X-Files, Scully/Mulder)
Last Bright Routes (Fic, X-Files, Scully)
This year I wrote and posted:
17 stories and 1 fanmix
Overall Thoughts:
It’s amazing (and somewhat unnerving) how lost I can get while writing. I’m very glad that I’ve made such a cozy home for myself at LiveJournal. It's so much more fun to share witing with people I "know."
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?
I never really give it much thought. If the fancy strikes me, I write. Though it’s a little shocking to go back and see all I’ve banged out.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January?
BSG. I had no interest in the show, but was convinced to start watching and really enjoyed it.
What's your own favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest?
I really like how This Her Fever turned out. I'm happy with the characterization, the use of Ellen, and some of the little dialogues between Mulder and Scully.
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
I wrote a Mulder/Fowley piece which is very definitely not the way to win a popularity contest. But - to my surprise - it was actually very well received and I got some incredible feedback on it, even from Ephemeral. I also wrote a wedding between Mulder and Scully and that was very intimidating. I'm pleased with how it turned out though. I'd say I was further convinced that the most important thing is to write the story you want to tell rather than the story you think other people want to read.
From my past year of writing, what was....
My best story of this year:
I'd say it's a tie between Samson and This Her Fever. I've reread both of them and like them even more than when I wrote them, which is always a good thing in my view.
My most popular story of this year:
After the Facebook thing, I think Impossible Delilah got the most feedback.
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
Hmmm. I'd say Last Bright Routes. I really like it, but it's uncomfortable to read in places, I think. While the goal I had in mind is that she's ultimately triumphant, Scully's very dark in this story.
Most fun story to write:
Linguaphilia was crazy fun because of all the prompts I decided to work in. A Woman's Work was neat too because I liked tying in the pieces with those old etiquette books. And the Facebook thing. That was delightfully cracky.
Story with the single sexiest moment:
Toss-up between the woods scene in A Dim Capacity For Wings and them on the dressing table in Balm In Gilead.
Most "Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story:
I don't really think I have a limit there. I've written Scully/Byers. I'm fearless, yo.
Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:
The Lake Isle Of Innisfree really made me appreciate Laura more, how hard it was for her to make the choices she did along the way. I have a lot of respect for her. I always liked the idea of exploring Fowley more, and Samson gave me a chance to really try and understand her, which led me to some insights about Mulder too.
Hardest story to write:
A Dim Capacity For Wings. It took me a long time to decide where I wanted the story to go and how to stay true to Inhaling The Different Dawn while creating a storyline separate from it. I also felt a little guilty about the story, knowing what's coming in the other when I left them so happy. Sigh.
Biggest Disappointment:
I wish more people had gotten the joke of Thirteen Ways Of Looking At Fanfic Cliches. I thought it was a funny spoof, but I think there was a lot of WTF with that one, especially at Ephemeral.
Biggest Surprise:
Writing a wedding for Mulder and Scully. I never would have guessed I'd do that.
Most Unintentionally Telling Story:
Probably A Basket Of Reeds and Under A Juniper Tree. I identify very strongly with Scully on the emotional front, and if I were forced into the situations she was, I can see myself reacting with a similar veneer.
Fic-writing goals for 2010:
I haven't given it much thought. Lately I've been pondering an early season fic though.