(no subject)

May 15, 2006 21:18

200. My name is: immaterial

199. I was born on: July 29th, 1989

198. I am: true.

197. My cell phone company is: Cingular and Verizon. Long story. We stopped getting bills from Cingular a while ago.

196. My eye color is: Blue. changes sometimes when i'm sad.

195. My shoe size is: 7-11. literally. put it on my foot and it'll fit.

194. My ring size is: only rings i've ever had i've made myself. no clue.

193. My height is: 5'10ish last time i checked

192. I am allergic to: amoxicyllin(sic?), apples, pollen

191. I was born in: the daytime.

190. I live in: NYC

189. The last book I read: excluding books for school, which i never really read properly, it would have to be The Electric Koolaid Acid Test

188. My bed is: welcoming. english project tomorrow.

187. One thing I know for sure about the opposite sex: they tend to be girls.

186. I am glad I'm my sex because: umm, sexism is on my side? not much to really be happy about besides maybe lack of periods.

185. I want to be: loved

184. I live with: my parents, my computers and my bikes.

183. I am wearing: corduroys and a blue ringer tee shirt

182. My first kiss was: anticlimactic

181. My first love was: my bike

180. The last person I kissed was: a ctyer.

179. My favorite holiday is: summer break.

178. The perfect kiss is: perfect.

177. The last three cd's I bought are: two cds from this cool band in the subway, and, um, i don't remember.

176. Last song that made me cry was: allergies.

175. I'm currently listening to: Captain Beefheart - When Big Joan Sets Up

174. I wish I was: Were. It's I wish I were.

173. Last expensive thing I bought: Grado heaphones, necklace for mom. I don't buy too much stuff anymore.

172. My most treasured possession(s) is(are): my lanyards, my hub trays, my bikes. my self.

171. My best subject in high school is/was: physics at the moment, but that's just because science at Dalton sucks.

170. What did you do last night: your mom? more like work, sing and sleep.

169. Last thing I ate was: cold turkey burger on white toast with gruyere-mushroom sauce.

168. Last 3 people who called me: Shannon, mom, Sarah.

167. My skin's reaction to the sun is: different every time. I don't know how to explain it; every exposure has a different result.

::::I Have (YES) / Have Not (NO):::::

166. Had my first kiss: yeah

165. Kissed a member of the same sex: very much so

164. Had a one-night stand: unconsummated

163. Had sex: depends

162. Had sex with more than 5 people: nah

161. Had sex in public: again, depends

160. Been drunk: regretfully more than i wish

159. Been drunk in public: very much

158. Been high: nah

157. Used any 'hard' drugs: again, no

156. Been arrested: no. i may be going to critical mass next time, though, so watch out

155. Cheated on someone: once, in 8th grade. never again.

154. Made out with a rockstar: i don't want to talk about it

153. Gotten a detention in high school: no detention at dalton

152. Been suspended from school: no

151. Taken a cross-country roadtrip: with my parents :/

150. Been to Europe: yeah

149. Been to more than 30 US states: not unless you count flyovers

148. Told a secret: Yes

147. Owned a pet: no

146. Killed an animal: sure. just about everything that moves of its own accord is an animal, guys.

::::I Do (YES)/Do Not (NO) Believe In:::::

145. Angels: i've met a few

144. The Devil: not just one

143. Santa? absoultely

142. Love at first sight? haven't seen it yet. jury's still out.

141. Luck? yeah

140. Fate? in a sense

139. God? everyone does, in some sense, whether they think so or not.

138. Aliens? yes, and by durned they should be legal.

137. Heaven? cty.

136. Hell? guilt.

135. Ghosts? busters!

134. Horoscopes? i see them all the time.

133. Soulmates? Possible

:::::Which is Better?:::::

132. Milk shakes or ice cream: Milkshakes

131. Alone or in a group of people: you gotta give me more than that.

130. Broke and happy or rich and lonely: broke and happy

129. Hugs or Kisses: hugs are the ones with white chocolate, right? definitely those.

128. Drunk or High: drunk

127. Phone or Online: both

126. Red heads or Black hair: whose?

125. Blondes or Brunettes: ^^^

124. Hot or cold: cold

123. Summer or winter: autumn

122. Coffee or tea: tea.

121. Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate, except in ice cream. i adore vanilla ice cream

120. Night or Day: night!

119. Oranges or Apples: oranges

118. Curly or Straight hair: long.

117. Relationships or one night stands: Relationships.

:::::Here's What I Think About:::::

116. Abortion: sticky, but it's best to err on the side of freedom.

115. Backstabbers: last I checked, not a good thing.

114. Parents: theyre too damn similar to me.

113. Televangelists: what the fuck do you think?

112. The internet: double edged sword, but ultimately positive.

111. Kids: fun, tiring, rewarding. i love it when theyre smart.

110. School: love the base concept. the execution? not so much.

::::Last time I:::

103. Missed someone: now

102. Last time I hugged someone: today

101. Dyed my hair: never really did that

100. Cried in front of someone: passionfruit '05

99. Grew: i might never stop.


98. Are you a vegetarian? more and more tempted...

97. What's your middle name: YOUR MOM. er, not really. Willis. sometimes I throw Hines in there for mom.

96. What's the last concert you went to: god, it's been a while. might have been that graffiti gig at CBGB's, or else the First Fridays before last.

95. Are you currently on any medication: claratin, rockin' it non-pseudoephedrin-style.

94. Last "real job" you had: Go Proj, probably. i mean, sound for Rola was actually much more of a commitment and a bit more independent, but it was a bit less occupational and 9-to-5. so yeah. Go Proj.

93. Last person you dated: thea

92. Most hated food: cod, dry chicken.

91. Favorite color: the blues.

90. Who is the ditziest person you know: i think it's pretty much got to be ashley modell.

89. Who makes you laugh the most: Shannon, Odetta, Cory, Alex (B)

88. Who is the smartest person you know: Schuyler? Shannon? Willie Fisher? Chris Spaide? Ted Spaide? marina? My Dad? any of the Sarahs? Alex(b)? Zain? Sam(k)? Ms Buksbaum? I know far too many smart people.

87. One thing I'm mad about right now is: unfinished business.

86. At this exact moment I am feeling: tired, overworked.

85. Last time I cried was. on my bike yesterday. wind and allergies, maybe some pent up aggression worked in.

84. Color of the last shirt I bought: honestly can't remember. probably a plain solid color.

83. The last movie I saw in the theater was: V for Vendetta. good movie.

82. The thing I don't understand is: what the fuck?

81. The thing I want most right now: ice cream, summer, music, to run outside and play in the rain

80. The most unsatisfactory answer I've ever received: "we're not covering that today."

--[apparently] 79 and 78 were stupid---

77. Last summer I was: CTY, Go proj, long island, new york.

76. This summer I am: CTY, Go proj, Rhode island? movies on washington square? shannon and her damned UN? crazy forevermore reunions? finally fully repainting that raleigh three speed? the possibilities are endless.

75. Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my room.

74. The thing that I'm looking forward to the most: everything

73. Tomorrow: sweet n low and the new CDs

--[apparently] 72 vanished--

71. Next Summer: road trip? ROAD TRIP!

70. Next Week: tech for senior projects, phase, the brearley jam, making jewelrey for belated mother's day, homework, riding

69. I just: procrastinated for an hour

68. I love: you. the rain. kissing. dogs. my bike. CTY. The passionfruit.

67. People call me: all manner of strange things

66. Yo momma: is an upstanding member of her community and an excellent role model. also, a really bad show on mtv.

(that was harsh)

65. The last time I laughed so hard I snorted my drink out my nose: never happens to me. i've snorted corn out of my nose, though. don't remember why.

64. I have a supersecret crush on: you.

63. Things will never be the same again with: you.

62. The person[s] who know[s] the most about me is/are: I don't know.

61. The person that can read me the best is: not me.

60. The most difficult thing to do is: speak the truth sincerely and not back down. sounds like a cop-out, I know, but everything else hinges on it.

59. I have gotten a speeding ticket: nah

58. I'm worried about: everything.

57. My all-time favorite two bands are: both bands.

56. My sign: Turtle Crossing.

55. The first person I thought I was in love with was: Allie.

54. I grin whenever I think about: CTY

53. The one person who can't hide things from me: Mom.

52. All of the sudden I've been missing: everyone i know. like, really know.

51. Right now I'm talking to: myself, some guy from connecticut. (not the same)

50. Sometimes I don't talk about: stuff that matters.

48. I have/will get a job at: dunno...

47. I have these pets: no I don't.

46. I hope: this all gets figured out in the end

45. The worst sound in the world: suffering you can't fix.

44. The person that makes me cry the most is: me.

43. The last person I had in my bedroom was: mom.

42. I'm looking forward to: summer.

41. My favorite day of the week is: friday.

40. My favorite food is: good.

39. My boy/girl friend: well, shit.

- [Apparently] 38 through 36 are missing -

35. Florida or Hawaii: never been to HI, but florida is one big fucking swamp-hellholething, so i'm placing my bets on it.

- [Apparently something] happened to 34? -

33. My favorite piece of clothing: my underwear. actually, probably my sweatshirt.

32. My favorite sport is: cycling, frisbee

31. Last time I cried: cut the crying questions.

- And 30 and 29 [Are, apparently, missing] -

28. The school I will go to this fall is: Dalton (if I don't fail)

27. Last person I got mad at: kasia?

26. My worst drinking experience was: pretty bad.

25. My best drinking experience was: euphoric.

24. My nails are: long in the bed.

23. The oddest thing I acquired in the past year was: a HUB tray? hubcap from a taxicab? strange and mysterious bike parts of dubious origin? Patience and Fortitude (the NYC public library tigers) in bookend form? assorted obsolete computers and equipment? the hunting knife that came with my pocket watch? i pick up a lot of weird shit.

22. The all-time best movie is: Starcrash

21. The all-time best thing in the world is: love (CTY)

20. The last time I had sex was: depends

19. The most annoying thing ever is: stupidity. it cannot be fixed.


18. The most annoying person you know is: dunno.

17. The one burning question in the back of your mind currently is: how the fuck am i gonna finish this project?

16. The movies I have cried at are: malcolm X, V for Vendetta, that disney movie about moses... really has more to do with my state of mind than the movie itself.

15. Closest friends Name: needs an apostrophe.

14. TV show you watch: CSI, the Daily Show.

13. Favorite web site: various webcomics.

12. I want to be: AGAIN WITH THE REPEATS

11. The worst pain I was ever in was: probably psychosomatic.

10. The last text message I got was: from shannon.

9. My room is: pretty big.

8. My favorite celebrity is: dead.

7. I wish I had the opportunity to spend more time with/get closer to: everyone. sounds like a cop-out again, but i've kind of been locked in my room working for the last month with the exception of saturday and sunday.

6. The most amusing news I've heard recently: dunno. that thing on the daily show with the weather team attack ad.

5. My weakness is: kryptonite! not really. my own damned emo tendencies, i guess.

4. What turns me off in a guy/girl is: insincerity.

3. Who broke your heart: I did.

2. I filled out 200 questions because: I have better stuff to do.

1. What do you regret most? too many things to regret properly.
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