Scar Tissue by the Red Hot Chili Peppers is my favorite song until further notice. If you have not listened to this song, I would recommend doing so because
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Omg, liek, d00d, this is liek, so kewlz. Lake-sor corp. is here and liek, stuff is happening and liek, we're gonna be starting a DnD campaign and liek, omg, d00d, we need people to play. anyone like, interested?
Just curious, does anyone else just slowly get angrier and angrier throughout the day, sometimes for no reason at all? For some reason I have been lately, andf I'm wondering if it just me...
I'm gonna go to bed, and hopefully think some good thoughts...
The last 24 hours have reminded me of a plan i hatched some weeks ago: I need people to tell me what they feel are the 20 most important issues in the world today. I was gonna take the top 100 and write a book of my opinon. Its a gay idea i know, but i want to do it.
I would like to apologise for my hateful, vulgar and violent icons. Not that I'm gonna make them any less violent, hateful ro vulgar, but I figured I might as well apologise before someone complains.