applescruff09: hellloooooooooo
Auto response from Aloha Oe 19: downstairs and such, leave some
applescruff09: you need to return
applescruff09: NOW
applescruff09: pronto missy!
applescruff09: and we identified it, by discussing where one of these garage sales were
Aloha Oe 19: hahah
Aloha Oe 19: i love you
applescruff09: i was like no mom, thats not where you got the basket
applescruff09: and she was like yeah it was
applescruff09: lets go out and paint the town blue
Aloha Oe 19: why not green
applescruff09: how about both?
Aloha Oe 19: that would mean it would be aquaish
applescruff09: only if we mix them
Aloha Oe 19: hence both
applescruff09: hence green and red?
applescruff09: and blue after it dries
Aloha Oe 19: no blue blue!!!
Aloha Oe 19: where did red come from
Aloha Oe 19: no red unless one of us trip and bleed
Aloha Oe 19: then we can paint the town
Aloha Oe 19: with our blooooood!!!
applescruff09: we can wear our brand new leopard skin pill box hat!
Aloha Oe 19: i kill no leopards biotch.
applescruff09: its fake*
Aloha Oe 19: i kill no fake leopards biotch
applescruff09: we can wear our brand new leopard skin pill box hat!
Aloha Oe 19: why is a hat shaped like a pill box
applescruff09: because its cool like that
Aloha Oe 19: just because i'm on painkillers doesnt mean i pop pills
applescruff09: it doesnt look like a pill box!
Aloha Oe 19: then why is it called pill box!
applescruff09: because the creator is insane
applescruff09: and probably high
Aloha Oe 19: on pills!
applescruff09: yep!
Aloha Oe 19: i win
applescruff09: *shoots*
Aloha Oe 19: *falls*
applescruff09: o.O
Aloha Oe 19: *impaled my pole thing*
applescruff09: oh jebus oh jebus
Aloha Oe 19: *can't speak, cause impaled*
applescruff09: dont worry! i'll take you to the hospital
Aloha Oe 19: psh
applescruff09: psh yourself girl,
applescruff09: because wtihout me your dead
Aloha Oe 19: yes ma'am
Aloha Oe 19: i know ma'am
applescruff09: thats better
applescruff09: now go fetch me some food
applescruff09: and a man while your at it
Aloha Oe 19: he's quite the stud muffin
Aloha Oe 19: honest
applescruff09: i stole her socks
applescruff09: those fuzzy ones
Aloha Oe 19: how are they fuzzyyy?
applescruff09: i dont know, i'll show you sometime
applescruff09: we're so bipolar in our conversations
applescruff09: goes with our personalities
Aloha Oe 19: bipolar is the bomb yo'
applescruff09: chaaa
applescruff09: *insert any adjective here, because any will probably do*
Aloha Oe 19: would whore work?
applescruff09: yeah
applescruff09: *whorish
Aloha Oe 19: wanna hear a joke
applescruff09: yeah
Aloha Oe 19: k, so there's these two muffins
applescruff09: k
Aloha Oe 19: and they're chillin in an oven
applescruff09: i think i heard this one
applescruff09: but go on
Aloha Oe 19: and one of the muffin says, ahhh we're in an oven
applescruff09: mhm
Aloha Oe 19: and the other muffin goes holy shit it's a talking muffin.
Aloha Oe 19: *giggles*
applescruff09: yep
applescruff09: i've heard it before
applescruff09: lame joke
applescruff09: total let down
Aloha Oe 19: i no
Aloha Oe 19: it's great
Aloha Oe 19: we just had to paint the town red
Aloha Oe 19: didn't we
applescruff09: we're so eviiiiiil
Aloha Oe 19: you're idea
Aloha Oe 19: i said greeeeeen
Aloha Oe 19: GREEN
applescruff09: i suggested blue
applescruff09: but then YOU had to trip and fall...
Aloha Oe 19: you tripped me
applescruff09: you deserved it
Aloha Oe 19: bitch
applescruff09: !!
applescruff09: whore
Aloha Oe 19: it happens
applescruff09: (mmm these chocolates are good)
applescruff09: "oh no my siadica!"
Aloha Oe 19: siadica?!
applescruff09: forget that jaun
Aloha Oe 19: wait. who's jaun?
Aloha Oe 19: and isn't it juan?
applescruff09: jaun is inplace of thing
applescruff09: no
applescruff09: thats a name
Aloha Oe 19: i thought it was juan
Aloha Oe 19: like don juan
applescruff09: jaun is like a ghetto term for thing
Aloha Oe 19: DEMARCO
applescruff09: AHHHHHHHH
Aloha Oe 19: don't lie to me alyssa
Aloha Oe 19: i don't speak gangsta, savvy yo'
applescruff09: A pronoun, used to replace things. Instead of saying "please find the fork" say "please find the jaun"
applescruff09: "Yo, these jauns is tight son!"
Aloha Oe 19: how do you no what you're looking for then?
applescruff09: 1. A girl
2. A thing
John: That is one hot jaun over therre.
Mary: Get me sum of dem fried jauns.
Aloha Oe 19: and how do you no if they're talking about pants or shirts
Aloha Oe 19: and how do you know if it's a guy or girl they're talking about
applescruff09: figure it out, yo.
Aloha Oe 19: *waves*
applescruff09: *waves better*
Aloha Oe 19: woot
applescruff09: ^^
applescruff09: i won!
Aloha Oe 19: surely
applescruff09: !!!!!1
Aloha Oe 19: only in the spirit of christmas mind you
applescruff09: mhm...
Aloha Oe 19: i have that fresh prince of belair song stuck in my head
applescruff09: aaaaaahh
Aloha Oe 19: si si
applescruff09: that show
applescruff09: is horrible
Aloha Oe 19: is the bomb i no i no
Aloha Oe 19: you're font grew
Aloha Oe 19: it's been eating it's wheaties
applescruff09: now it shrunk
applescruff09: yay...wheaties!
Aloha Oe 19: poor wheaties
Aloha Oe 19: maybe it's like steroids
applescruff09: LOL!
applescruff09: oh gawd
applescruff09: thats life
applescruff09: this walgreens
Aloha Oe 19: whats walgreens gotta do with anything
applescruff09: everything
Aloha Oe 19: it's green
Aloha Oe 19: cause we painted
Aloha Oe 19: the town
Aloha Oe 19: yay!
applescruff09: IT BLUE
applescruff09: / RED
Aloha Oe 19: and aqua
Aloha Oe 19: red was just the shedded blood
Aloha Oe 19: from those brave brave trippers
Aloha Oe 19: who triped and fell
Aloha Oe 19: or was impaled
Aloha Oe 19: because someone pushed someone else
applescruff09: because they deserved it
Aloha Oe 19: how?
Aloha Oe 19: they letted you win
Aloha Oe 19: *good grammer*
applescruff09: what happend was
applescruff09: they almost shot me!
Aloha Oe 19: you shot me if i remember correctly
Aloha Oe 19: and i fell
applescruff09: thats not true
applescruff09: your mind is lying to you
Aloha Oe 19: no way
applescruff09: its true
applescruff09: you should relax is my IMPRESSION!
Aloha Oe 19: you're in prison?
applescruff09: no! its a song
applescruff09: that lyric
applescruff09: yes, i'm in prisson
applescruff09: i shot a man in vegas last night
Aloha Oe 19: again!
Aloha Oe 19: alysssa...
applescruff09: i know, i know
Aloha Oe 19: what are we going to do with you
Aloha Oe 19: if you hire a male whore
Aloha Oe 19: make sur eyou have the money to pay for him
applescruff09: but this time it was a good reason...
Aloha Oe 19: that way, you don't have to shoot him
applescruff09: i forgot, okay?!
applescruff09: he was just so...
applescruff09: *edit*
Aloha Oe 19: eyelinerish?
applescruff09: maaaybe
Aloha Oe 19: you shot eyeliner!!!!
Aloha Oe 19: omgosh you're horrible
Aloha Oe 19: how could you kill your lover
applescruff09: NOOOO
applescruff09: he was like him
applescruff09: it wasnt really him
applescruff09: NOOOOOOOO
applescruff09: i sware!
Aloha Oe 19: what are the vegas whores gonna wear on their eyes now alyssa
Aloha Oe 19: HUH!
applescruff09: I DONT KNOW!
applescruff09: I JUST DONT KNOW!
Aloha Oe 19: way to kill the business of vegas
applescruff09: but at least i had a great night of sex
Aloha Oe 19: you no...
Aloha Oe 19: that could be turned into about, twenty different jokes
applescruff09: *gulp*
applescruff09: You're a loofa sponge thing! You like to take baths.
Aloha Oe 19: i prefer showers
applescruff09: same
Aloha Oe 19: then why'd you tell me a lie
bless those painkillers.