Without some modicum of control and organization, Alpha Complex would collapse in flames within mere moments. For this reason, we have the Color-Coded Security Clearance System!
The CCSCS is a way of quantifying your status in Alpha Complex society, from the lowest peon-like workers to the greatest noble elites. Your typical citizen starts at the lowest INFRARED clearance level, and only the luckiest and most loyal few can hope of ever achieving the highest levels. But there's hope! Serve Alpha Complex and your friend The Computer and you'll start climbing the ranks in no time! In fact, since you're such special Citizens, you get to start at Clearance Level RED instead of INFRARED!
As a side note, your income depends not on your job, but on your Clearance Level. The listed amount of money is added to your account every week. This value is after the mandatory expenses on rent, meals, and utilities.
The Clearance Levels are arranged as follows:
INFRARED (10cr/week)
-About 80% of the population!
-A diet of algae-based FunFoods in a variety of temperatures!
-Permanent happy drug-induced haze!
RED (200cr/week)
-About 10% of the population!
-You're not INFRARED!
-You don't live in a communal barracks!
-You get to eat real food as often as once a month!
-Not drugged into a stupor 24 hours a day!
ORANGE (400cr/week)
-About 6% of the population!
-You're not RED!
-You can boss around INFRARED Citizens on occasion!
-You get to eat real food twice a month!
YELLOW (1000cr/week)
-About 2% of the population!
-You're not ORANGE!
-You can boss around RED citizens if you can get them to listen to you!
-You get to eat real food every week!
-You have limited ability to set your own work schedule!
GREEN (2400cr/week)
-The unofficial dividing line between the Haves and the Have-Nots!
-You're not YELLOW!
-You can move to the luxurious GBIV Apartments!
-You can impose demerits on RED Citizens with Computer approval!
-Lower Clearance Citizens may engage in spontaneous bootlicking!
-You get to eat real food every day!
BLUE (6000cr/week)
-You're not GREEN!
-You can own your own private autocar!
-You can order around service androids on the spot!
-You can impose demerits on ORANGE Citizens or lower with Computer approval!
-You can promote other Citizens up to clearance Level ORANGE with Computer approval!
INDIGO (12000cr/week)
-You're not BLUE!
-You can eat gourmet meals every day!
-You can demote Citizens of GREEN or lower with Computer approval!
-You can promote other Citizens up to clearance Level GREEN with Computer approval!
-You can forego waiting in lines!
-There's always a room available for you!
-Life is awesome!
VIOLET (60000cr/week)
-You're not INDIGO!
-You can have parties every day!
-There's a full human staff catering to your every need!
-You don't need to work!
-Practically free speech!
-I'm sorry, Citizen, this information is not available at your Clearance Level.