[[Here's my profile! Please feel free to also use it as a concrit post, if you have any for me. But beware of spoilers, as there are some big GK ones in here. Any scenes I do with GK spoilers will be well labeled]]
[Name:] Shiryuu Rou
[Age:] 33
[Gender:] Male
[Marital Status:] Single
[Sexuality:] Straight, though he has been known to inspire bromance.
[Occupation:] Interpol Detective
Rou's family hails from the Republic of Seihou, and though he doesn't have any brothers or sisters, he has a very large extended family of cousins, uncles, aunts, etc. Many of them are also in law enforcement in some form or another, and those that aren't Rou doesn't care for. His father passed away years ago but his mother is still alive and he's very good about visiting her.
Rou's "pack" - Rou's 99 elite investigators that support him on his cases. They're not just co-workers, they're brothers in arms! He trusts each of them implicitly and knows almost everything there is to know about each one.
Miles Edgeworth - Though at first Rou didn't think much of Edgeworth, working alongside him on the Amanogawa and Onred cases gave him a new respect for the man. They made a really good team, and thanks to Edgeworth's cool head and quick logic were able to solve one of the most important cases of Rou's career. He still feels indebted to him for that, and for being the one to see through the spy in his unit. He certainly wouldn't mind working with Edgeworth again, and if Edgeworth ever needed a favor he'd be there with bells on.
Franziska von Karma - Now there is one sharp lady. Despite her being a prosecutor Rou's never had a problem with Franziska, as he respects her for her strong force of personality. Her determination to hunt down criminals (and punish them personally in many cases) puts her high on Rou's list of people to go to when he needs help getting someone behind bars.
Kay Faraday - Cute kid. Rou didn't pay much attention to her the last time they met, but she at least had spirit, and he'd be interested to see what's become of her these days.
Criminals. Especially the vestiges of Onred's smuggling operation, which in the past several years have split apart into smaller, splinter operations.
Shiina - Rou's former partner. She was the most capable assistant Rou ever had (has ever had) and he put a lot of faith into her, her abilities, and her integrity. She even seemed to understand him better than most, playing along with his quirks and knowing what he expected of her without having to say it. He never suspected her of betrayal, up until the final moments, and feels personally responsible for many of her crimes. But he hasn't let it hurt his ability to trust his comrades. In fact, he's more determined than ever to really know the people around him, and support them any way he can.
Not long after Shiina was taken into custody, she escaped and has been at large ever since. Rou still isn't sure how he'll react when he catches up to her, but he will catch up to her.
Dick Gumshoe - He has his uses.
Damian Hinge - Ambassador from Cordopia. Not that Rou would ever drop by for a friendly visit, but Damian is a generous man who always offers his help when it's asked of him.
Ittetsu Badou - Though Rou and Badou didn't work together long, he respects the elder man as a detective of the highest caliber.
[General personality:]
Rou is the kind of man that likes things to go his way, and if they don't, he'll take steps to make them go his way. He has a strong personality, better at giving orders than asking politely, and has no trouble bowling people over if he thinks he's in the right (which is most times). He shines best at the head of a group, where his natural leadership skills allow him to command with clarity and confidence.
However, in those few times that Rou really is wrong, he's not too proud to admit it. He takes his job seriously, and also takes responsibility for his mistakes and those of his subordinates. If there are rules that ought to be followed he will follow them with respect, especially when it comes to the laws and customs of the foreign countries he investigates in. As a law enforcement agent he understands chain of command and knows better than to break it.
As for Rou's temper, it varies depending on whether or not he likes you. Rou is fiercely loyal to his comrades, often treating them as close as his own family. Sometimes his unquestioning devotion makes him blind to that person's fault, but overall his attention to his men makes them all the more eager to serve him, and his unit is unquestionably efficient because of it. On the other hand, if you haven't earned Rou's trust you're nothing but a nuisance. Everyone not on his team is a possible suspect, and he won't have a problem saying so to your face. In fact, anyone not in his close circle probably perceives him as a total asshole with no regard for others.
This is especially true of prosecutors and court officials. Though Rou doesn't hate them all with the same blind prejudice as he used to, he is still a little leery of them and approaches each new meeting with a prosecutor as "I'll give this one a chance to prove himself." Bit by bit he's getting better about it.
Rou's biggest fault comes in his investigative style. He's very good at finding evidence and intimidating suspects, but piecing together a narrative logically is not his strong suit--he doesn't quite have the imagination for it. This is apparent in the other areas of his life, as for hobbies he prefers sports to arts and music. He's especially a soccer fan, because of its popularity around the world.
Finally, Rou has a deep respect for his heritage. He puts a lot of stock in his family's name, and is always striving to raise its reputation in the world of law. He has a habit of reciting his family's old sayings, sometimes giving them his personal touch.
[Appearance:] Rou is fairly tall and has a strong build. He wears black pants and tall boots, and a black shirt and jacket trimmed with gold. His hair is not naturally blond: he prefers to dye and style it like his namesake. He has several scars on his body earned on the job, the most significant of these being a gunshot wound on his right leg.
Rou was born in the Republic of Seihou, and comes from a long line of law enforcement officers. His father raised him into the family work, but while he was still young there was a scandal with elder members of his family. While working an important case some of Rou's family delivered their evidence to the prosecutor's office, but the prosecutors in charge replaced it with forged evidence. When the case when sour the Rous took the blame.
Many of Rou's relatives were demoted or fired outright after that. Their academy lost attendance and their reputation was ruined. Rou's father was reduced to a beat cop in their home town and a few years later was killed in the line of duty. Rou blamed the prosecutors for this, and lost faith in the court system, but it didn't stop him from completing his own training.
After graduating from police academy at nineteen applied to Interpol, and was accepted into a global internship program. For the next two years he traveled the world, learning from different detectives, crime scene investigators, and cops, learning how to catch criminals while dealing with all manners of cultures. Along the way he made connections in several different countries, and some of those men and women ended up seeking him out later to join his unit. By 21 he was formally promoted as an Interpol Investigator, and over the next few years attracted more and more loyal officers, many of which from his home country of Seihou. One of these was Shiina. Though her pat held mysteries and she herself didn't speak much, the two of them worked very well together and she soon became Rou's top assistant.
Six years ago a large number of counterfeit and otherwise illegal goods began appearing in Seihou. Along with fellow Interpol agent Akbey Hicks and German Prosecutor Franziska von Karma he launched an investigation into the crime syndicate thought to be connected to Amanogawa Inc and the Cordopian Embassy in Japan. With the help of Miles Edgeworth and company they were able to expose the organization's head and bring him and many of his agents to justice--including Rou's own partner Shiina.
But that wasn't the end of the case. Shiina escaped custody, and only months after Onred's arrest rumors started circulating the black market that someone else had already risen to take his place. Rou used his promotion after the Onred case to extend his influence further, leading his unit all over the world in order to hunt out the stragglers.