Well, tonight I managed to have a little discussion, if it was even that, with a guy who is one of the leaders at a local church in town about 'old-earth' and 'young-earth' creation. For those of you who don't keep up with that, old-earth creationists believe that the earth is millions of years old and that the six days in which God created the
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Comments 4
"just because one says that ' '6 days' in the Bible may not mean 6 literal days', does NOT mean that person does not believe that God could not create the world in 6 days..."
...a bit self contradicting. I understand what your trying to say but if a person DOES believe that God could create the world in six literal days, and the Bible says six days (with evidence that they were literal days), then why would they not believe that God indeed created the universe in six LITERAL days? Hopefully, I'm reading that right, but if not then I'd appreciate it if you could clarify it for me.
As for the evidence...
The Hebrew word used for day in Genesis is yom and a number. Yom is used with a number 410 times, and each time it means an ordinary day. For some reason people only seem to debate the meaning of day in the Genesis 1 account though. One example of this would be in Joshua 6:3-4 where God commanded Joshua to march around the city of Jericho once for six days and seven times on the ( ... )
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