100quills #3.13 Waltz and dransy100 #25 Clean

Jun 28, 2007 02:49

Title: Gravity
Rating: G
Prompt: #3.13 Waltz / #25 Clean
Length: 100 words
Genre: romance
Time: post-sixth year
Characters: Draco and Pansy

Her hair was dark as night in the dungeons beneath the lake, yet it always shone as if a white moon hung over her head, especially when it was wet. Like now.
The pink of her terry bathrobe picked up the flush in her cheeks as she looked back at her husband of three days. She put out a hand and he took it, surprising her by pulling her close to him. Their bodies turned in a slow dance, the dark-haired young woman and a man with hair pale as moonbeams.
He would be content to orbit her forever.
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