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Comments 16

ozreiuosn June 20 2007, 22:00:40 UTC
I used to get this a few times when I first moved to Oakland. But after a while it stopped. I figured I must look like I belong there or something. I look like I know what I'm doing or whatever.

And well most of the time I walk around with a 'don't fuck with me' look on my face. :P


alpiyn June 20 2007, 22:02:03 UTC
I've live in Van Nusy for 18 years.


glowing_rd_eyes June 20 2007, 23:36:12 UTC
Maybe you need the 'don't fuck with me' look then.


alpiyn June 21 2007, 16:13:58 UTC
What exactly is the "dont fuck with me" look?


fae_calumnae June 21 2007, 01:17:39 UTC
Ugh, what a creepazoid....I don't know what you need to do... though I have a pepper spray canister that maybe you could use more than I could, lol. Gosh, what is it that makes you such a magnet...*ponders*


celedraug June 21 2007, 21:30:55 UTC

Yep, been there, done that...far too often, and also for what bus is coming/when-where I cannot escape because I need to catch that bus.

For times when the cell phone just isn't there, make notes on the vehicle and be obvious about it. Most of them will leave if you start peering at them or their license plate and are scrabbling in the purse/backpack for paper and pen.

This is usually where I use a badge name too, or use my friend's names/characters in vain--"Thanks, but my boyfriend REALLY doesn't like it if I do that and he's expecting me right now"

Or the humor answer "sorry, I don't take rides from anyone who's not been checked out by my roommates/parents/best friend" *brief pause* "Did you know that file clerks can find the most INTERESTING information on people?

I try for the humor and light brush off whenever possible, but have been known to look for or threaten to carry rocks, mace or a really big stick.


alpiyn June 21 2007, 22:03:44 UTC
I think Im going to get myself some mace or pepper spray. When this happened several times in high school my boyfriend was dead set on getting me some, but carrying it at school was an expellable offense, but now there whould be no issue so its about time I do so.


jedifreac June 22 2007, 03:20:45 UTC
I had a convo with the salespeople at Victoria's secret and they say that their solution to the problem is to just flat out say that they keep notes on all aberrant stalkers and that they have files with the police. I guess this is a different situation though ( ... )


alpiyn June 22 2007, 22:29:32 UTC
I would call the police, but I always seem to forget to get a lisence play number. I really need to remember to make a show of writing down their lisence plate number in the future. If the action doesnt scare them off in and of itself, it would at least help afterwards I get home so I can call the police.

I think you're right. What it comes down to is that I just need to learn to be mean if Im alone. I was just raised to be polite in any situation and thats a hard habit to break.


aaronjv June 22 2007, 10:02:11 UTC
Sorry to hear about your incident. hagdirt knows all about being heckled while walking (or driving), and she definitely has the FU look ( ... )


alpiyn June 22 2007, 22:37:26 UTC
I think I have been getting better at noticing signs, I just have too much faith in people to expect this every time someone stops to ask for directions. I really ought to learn better given my track record. This has happened about 12 times that I can think of in the last 5 years. I think I will try laughing next time. I suppose it would show them that there is absolutly no way they are getting me into that car without using physical force.


aaronjv June 23 2007, 00:22:59 UTC
I suppose it would show them that there is absolutly no way they are getting me into that car without using physical force.

I don't think that's a good idea to suggest, either.

You want them to think that it's not worth it to pursue you any further.

But look on the bright side: once you age and "the sag" sets in, you'll be mostly ignored (like what most girls experience when they try to say something important to men).


aaronjv June 24 2007, 02:12:56 UTC
Always expect trouble. (be aware of your environment, evaluate everything as a possible threat)

Have a plan. (know your escape routes, be prepared to run and scream)

Have a backup plan. (pepper spray/knife)

It disturbs me that in this day and age that women are still mistreated and abused, and have to fear predators like this. I'd suggest using an equalizer (135 grain .38 special), but unfortunately discussion of that sort is taboo in the state of California, which apparently prefers unarmed victims and lots of lawsuits.


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