So after hearing the news about the Trustees' decision, my aunt (the sister of my stepmom, who is featured in my previous entry) wrote an email to PTM, and actually responded to her. However, he still has not responded to my stepmom's letter.
Here's my aunt's exchange:
>>> Laurie T Mitchell <> 6/9/2005 10:55:43 AM >>>
Dear President Mitchell:
My niece attends Albion College. I find it remarkable that you and the Trustees have spent an enormous amount of time and energy on this issue in order to ensure that a physician employed by Albion College can impose his moral views upon his patients.
The college physician is perfectly free to hold his views on EC. He should also be perfectly free to find another job, as he is incapable of performing the requirements of the one he currently holds. Would you keep him if he felt that antibiotics were morally wrong and refused to prescribe them?
The fact of the matter remains that a student at Albion cannot go to the College facilities and obtain EC. Your decision, far from being
honorable, smacks of moral and political cowardice.
Sincerely yours,
Dr. Laurie Taylor-Mitchell
Towson, Maryland
And PTM's response:
From: "Peter Mitchell"
Date: Thu, 09 Jun 2005 13:37:20 -0400
Dear Dr. Taylor-Mitchell,
I disagree with your assessment of the decision and of your assessment of Dr. Holmes. The Trustees did spend considerable time and arrived at a decision that is in the best interests of our students. And far from cowardice, I find their decision honorable and courageous.
Interesting how he completely deflects any responsibility in this on his part and puts it all on the Trustees.
What a load of shit.
Albion is still proclaiming that on OUR campus, it's okay for the moral beliefs of one man to override women's freedom to choose what happens to their bodies. To obtain access to that immeasurably essential and BASIC HUMAN RIGHT, we must go elsewhere.
How incredibly depressing.
But the fight's not over yet.