1. I get annoyed very easily.
2. I'm usually on warpath.
3. I get obsessed with songs very easily.
4. If you want to know why I'm crazy...talk to my mother.
5. Sometimes people love my family more than I love them.
6. I'm leaving for Yale in 18 days.
7. I love music.
8. I know alot of useless information.
9. I love being single. But being with someone is nice sometimes. However, refer to thing #1.
10. I love hippies.
11. I could get straight A's if I wasn't so lazy.
12. I believe in having a few best friends than having many acquaintances.
13. I'm the only Vita.
14. To this day, doing the times tables in my head is difficult.
15. I get angry easily.
16. I used to regret a lot of things. Now, I don't.
17. In my opinion I'm hilarious...but, I'm only hilarious to people who understand me.
18. Many people don't.
19. If people are up with the times, so to speak, they will understand my humor. It's that simple.
20. I prefer not to take people's advice.
21. I eat fruit all the time.
22. I have a dirty mind.
23. I wish I was a better friend.
24. My mother doesn't understand me. Sometimes my dad does.
25. I hate when people say one thing, but do the other.
26. I hate when people cannot spell.
27. People don't understand how much I know about music.
28. I hate when people can't accept that I'm stubborn.
29. My birthday is November 28th.
30. People usually get the wrong impression of me.
31. I like to disagree with people, just for spite.
32. I eventually want to go through my coffee house phase.
33. I wish my prime years were in the 70's.
34. I hardly ever listen to popular music.
35. I'm a closet rapper, however.
36. Erica K. is the funniest person I know. We understand eachother.
37. I've known Nicole for 11 years.
38. We have one mind.
39. I'm hard on the outside. But I can be soft sometimes.
40. I don't like when people can't look into the past and realize the great things I did for them.
41. What people say about me, is most likely true.
42. I will never hide my thoughts, I will always tell someone what I feel.
43. I used to be self-conscious. Now I'm not.
44. I'm terrible at Spanish.
45. I get attention, but most of the time unwanted attention.
46. I have alot of pet peeves.
47. It's never my fault.
48. But it usually is.
49. I love my friends a lot. We are a close knit group but it's fun to chill with other people sometimes.
50. I never make a mistake.
51. Well yeah, I do.
52. I hate being left out of the loop.
53. I wish I was better friends with alot of people.
54. I wish I was there for my closest friends. I usually am, but it doesn't feel like it.
55. I'm superstitious.
56. I'm a curious person.
57. I never just go along with the crowd.
58. The best thing in life is laughter.
59. I laugh out of nowhere.
60. I like to bust a move when the time is right.
61. I have about 20 people that I just want to go up to and say "FUCK YOU!".
62. I eventually will.
63. I'm Pro-choice.
64. I don't like to be forced into doing something.
65. Sometimes I'm paranoid, but now I don't give a shit.
66. You know the quote "only the good die young"? I think they just die before they have a chance to be bad.
67. I used to be horrible at spelling.
68. I get by with help from my friends.
69. I love staring people down.
70. I like saying random things like "balls to the wall".
71. I like to have sing-a-longs.
72. I daydream way too often.
73. I am Sam's #1 fan.
74. She is mine.
75. I believe that everything happens for a reason, but I question why they happen.
76. I realized my life is awesome.
77. My family is way messed up, but they are awesome.
78. I have big boobs. Everyone can see them if they want.
79. If something good happens, I always think something bad will happen too.
80. I think only few people realize how good of a person I am...probably 3...POSSIBLY 4.
81. I love to have a good time.
82. My dad is awesome.
83. Aw, hell...so is my mom.
84. Sometimes I count on my fingers.
85. I don't understand why people think I'm intimidating.
86. I like when people are courteous.
87. I hate when people make fun of other people because they are jealous.
88. Stand up for me if I stand up for you.
89. My friends are good people.
90. I wish things could just go my way.
91. I love Chris Rock.
92. He's a genius.
93. I love not paying attention in Global.
94. I embarrass my friends all the time.
95. They love me for it though. They just don't admit it.
96. Sam's a dork.
97. I love being Italian.
98. I don't like the stereotypes though.
99. I love SNL
100. Happy Birthday Christina