Title: Through the Closed Door
Pairing: Stein x Spirit
Rating: PG-13 - PG-15
Disclaimer: I don't own them.
Notes: In Maka's point of view (story). For
42_souls before my epic failure. First Soul Eater fanfiction ever written. :)); Advanced apologies for possible OOC-ness. Very short drabble.
Today, Soul is out with Black Star and Kid, playing basketball. Soul dragged me out to play that game again (the date with my father was just...) though I managed to sneak back home. On normal school-free afternoons like this, I'd rather just sit back in the living room, reading a thick book. Then I heard voices in the bedroom near the living room. Thuds and moans as well. I know I made sure that Soul locked the door when we left, it would be just impossible for someone to come inside the house without me noticing, too.
"I told you to stop! Stein!" My eyes grew wide as I approached the door to the room. It was the worst familiar voice I have ever heard. I heard more thuds and crashes until a thump with an "oof!" from my father. My brows tied a knot, my right ear now pressed to the door to listen further.
"@$&*!?%#" Incoherency and gasping. My right hand quickly flew to my now gaping mouth. Never have I imagined my professor and (Shinigami-sama forbid) my father doing these kinds of things. I would have been irritated if I wasn't shocked. The noises they made went louder as creaks from the bed were starting to be heard. Closing my eyes, I slowly moved away from the door, fearing my heart capacity wouldn't take my mental image.
When I was walking away, I heard a door open and I completely froze. I opened my eyes and saw Soul entering the room. "Maka, where--?!" I pushed him out of the door without another word and locked the door behind us. He looked at me with an odd face and confusion. I just looked at him in the eye (which was too close for his comfort) and smiled.
I took his wrist and dragged him back towards the court.
Notes: THERE'S AN OMAKE! (ps. not in Maka's POV anymore)
Spirit looked at the door inside his daughter's room, then looked back at Stein who was now trying to concentrate on what he was currently doing. His glasses were already lying down somewhere (hopefully safe) with the rest of their clothes. The Death Scythe held his junior's shoulders and pushed.
"Senpai?" Stein asked, an eyebrow raised. Spirit's eyebrows were knotted and he listened keenly. "I swear... I might probably be the only partner you have neglected this long." The redhead glared at the man.
"I just thought I heard someone come in, is it so bad to be concerned with that? And besides, the only reason why I can neglect you is because I don't to-!" Stein, not being able to take it any longer, shoved his tongue into his senior's mouth and started playing. The man's hand went towards the older man's hips and held them steady.
Maka pushed Soul all the way back to court, ignoring Soul's continuous questions. She smiled throughout the game, and even bothered to join the game. Everyone was shocked and thought that someone must have died or something.
The next day, Maka threw a fit. Her father didn't even bother to change the sheets. And Spirit realizes that it was Maka who had entered when he and Stein were in the middle of doing it. Stein knew it all along.
Notes: ...okay. :))