Title: All This Running Around
hibernatePairing/character: Cara/Kahlan (Cara/Confessor!Kahlan, feelings!Kahlan)
Rating: Adult / NC-17
Wordcount: ~6,400 words
Warnings: Non-graphic violence, some knife play
Note: Torn AU, for
au_bingo: canon event changed. Presumes knowledge of episodes 2x10: Torn, through 2x13: Princess.
commoncomitatus deserves an award for betaing like
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Comments 32
"Sparring?" she says as he stares at her and the agiel she has dangerously close to Kahlan's heaving chest. "She started it," she adds, for good measure.
LOL. Oh Cara.
Also, the thought of Confessor!Kahlan meeting the Margrave cracks me up. I can just imagine her being absolutely mortified and furious that such a douche managed to capture her.
Oh yes, Confessor!Kahlan would have been mightily angry about the Margrave's shenanigans. It's implied that his ~kingdom is in the Midlands too, right? SHE WOULD BE NONE TOO PLEASED.
Oh, what a great idea to take the Torn (gad, I first typed "Tron" *shudder*) Kahlans thru several episodes worth of stories. Brill.
And good work on showing how at odds Cara's exterior attitude (all nonchalant whatevers) was to her actual interior thoughts.
Kahlan tilts her head, looking at Cara intently for a moment. Reaching out a hand, she brushes a stray hair away from Cara's cheeks. Cara flinches, the tips of Kahlan's fingers barely touching her face.
"How odd," Kahlan says.
"Nothing." Kahlan smiles and shakes her head slightly. "Nothing."
Okay, you HAVE to explain that. What were you implying there, you minx. LOL
I agree with the theory above that it seemed like their was an unexpected familiarity there, but wanna know from the source (that would be you)
Anyway, just some great character studies in there. Lots of insight, esp. as to how Cara's mind works. Thanks!
Okay, you HAVE to explain that. What were you implying there, you minx.
I am implying that I am a GIANT SAP. :P
'Unexpected familiarity' is a good way to explain it - I'd like to think there'd be something like body memory, and that a part of Kahlan would remember even if she doesn't consciously. But mostly I am a giant sap and I couldn't bring myself to finish this story without making up a ridiculous sequel in my head with lots of make-outs and feelings.
Thanks for reading! :D
Leaving it with that intriguing comment from Kahlan at the end was kinda cruel though ^^ I want more :p
Either way, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading! :D
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