Mar 17, 2009 23:11
I almost forgot Seamus Finnegans birthday. So I sent Granger out to get some chocs for him. She did a good job at that. But then she doddled today. So I told her that she had to stand up whenever she was'n't helping Madam Pomfrey. Except when she sleeps of course. Her legs got tired I think. But she appologised and said that she was glad I didn't punish her any worse.
So I think that is going well and I wrote Father to say so.
Sunny today for the first time in weeks!! It was nice to feel the sun. Even spells that make it sunny arent the same.
I ran out of hartshorn in potions because I spilled some. Hartshorn isnt something thats restricted though. So that's all right. Not that I have trouble getting things that are hard to get for most people, Father makes sure that I get them if I need them for school. But I don't like to ask. Hartshorn is just bothersome though because I have to send my owl to get more.