Title: Life Is The Barrel At The Tip of This Gun
Pairing: Frank/Gerard
Author: Ema.
Rating: PG-13 atm.
Summary: I'm the boy that's always there but you never see. That boy in your Chemistry class at the right of you. I'm in all your classes. I've watched you for the past 3 years Frank. I know everything about you. More than you know.
Disclaimer: This
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Comments 13
with guns?
they should have shot joanne and kai
but yes
and masks
well i was debating it but then thought...to cliché hahaha
thank you for R&C! x
-stabs the suspense with a knife-
xoxo Tabi
suspense everybody loves it!
except in breaking dawn >=|
it turns crap!
cough. stephanie meyer please don't hurt me D=
Yes more :)
but not soon, i have to write it XD
Thank you for R&C! x
I WOULD BE SCARED sooo much if mikey way was ever given free range with a gun! XxxxX can't wait for more of this it just gets better and more original! XxxxX
I'd be fucking scared! well...
horny too if it was mikey and gerard...
hehe thank you. it's not really origional, i just watch documentries on those gun shootings in the US -god rest those poor people who died- and it intreaged me to write a fic :)
thank you for R&C! x
would they?
I have a feeling they wont and that something is going to happen and like the five of them will join together or something..
I guess i'll just have to wait and find out.
I don't like spoiling things
they don't all live together...
but yes, finding out is fun! unless it ends up crap..
-don't make it crap mk to self-
Thank you for R&C!
why thank you ^^
well you're on the right tracks xD
you should find out in the next chapter...or the one after, or the one after that, depending on how I take it.
thank you for R&C! x
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