Love is many things by many standards. No one can truely decifer it, capture it, or diagram it. It's something the human nature needs for many reasons. Be it animal instict, or something more in depth, more spiritual. It's a tangle web we weave, in any journey of life. You can only let the winds take you where they may and see where they lead you. I myself have wondered this topic many a time, worried myself over it, made myself hurt from it from a broken heart. Love is a bitter sweet thing with no rules, no signs telling you what to do. Who to become life mates with, who to stay away from. You just have to take a chance and hope it's for the best. Everyone though yearns to be loved, from just compainionship, to that theoligical life mate syndrom. It's all up to the individual in the end. For better or for worse. Love though is a horrible thing too. X_x Good god how many times I got screwed over from it and mentally scarred.
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