Medical Progress and New additions to the family.

Aug 17, 2005 09:23

Well I went under the knife at around 11am on Friday morning. The op went really well, but everything is a bit hazy. They did the op under the same kind of local they use for C-sections. It is fairly nasty having the injection into my spine, but I think that was mostly because I had a pulled muscle in my back anyway and the anaestatist kept jabbing the needle right into it. The feeling is weird, you cant move anything from the waist down and it's all tingly. Then they sedated me and I snoozed through most of the op. Apparently the op went on longer than expected and the local began to wear off so they gave me a general towards the end. The op lasted for around 3 hours and I then spent an hour in recovery. I was back on the ward about 4pm.
The op was pretty sucessfull, all the nurses keep saying how neat and clean the wound looks (about 8 inches long from just above my bum hole to the small of my back.) It is held together with clamps (like staples) at the moment. The opperation removed around 1/2 lb of infected, previously infected and scar tissue.
I was put on a PCA morphine drip and got a bit happy with the green button according to Kris (I remember nothing of this). I don't even remember Mr Cooper (my consultant) coming to see me on the ward after the op. I then had a pretty rough night and morning of throwing up and feeling very floaty, I was sweating so much that my canula would not stay stuck down and they had to bandage it in place.
By Saturday afternoon however I was feeling much better. I was poddling about with my 2 drains in a Beanies shopping bag (not sure the vegetarian shop would approve!) and leaning on my drip for support. Mum and Dad came up to visit me and Janet (MIL) visited too. Mum brought loads of nice food to keep us going. (I had had to take all my own food into hospital as they couldn't accomodate a sweetcorn allergy).
I made good progress and had my drains out on Sunday after which they let me come home. Kris was in the studio with Deadline and so Janet and Tony (I-L's) drove me home.

The lovely Tim came and visited me that night and we ate curry and put the world to rights. He looked well but a little tired, and it was ace to see him.

Monday and Tuesday saw me laying on the sofa playing the Spongebob Squarepants Computer game (The flying Dutchman) and swearing profusely at the Great White Jellyfish. I went for a check at the district nurses on Monday, and currently the only way I can travel in a car is laid on my belly accross the back seat. All a passer by can see is a pair of feet stuck up in the air. I was a bit worried about being stopped by the police. If I do get stopped I think I will make my nipples go pointy and pretend to be a mannequin (ref. mazda advert).

Tuesday night I was visited by Edy and Kat and it was fantastic to see both of them. Edy bought me some lovely lillies and had sent me a great get well card. I also have a great get well card from slapperfairy which has a freaky monkey nurse on it. Thankyou!

Also on Tuesday night a new addition to our family arrived. "Spike" is a black and white kitten, and he is very cute and into everything. I will post photos soon. He was bought to us by Julie, Janet's neighbour from accross the road.

I am currently doing well but pretty spaced on painkillers and I keep forgetting things, like what happened on Monday night. I am fairly sure someone came to visit, but it is a blank. As soon as I remember I will post about it. I think it is the Tramadol hydrochloride that are spacing me out most. The worst part is that the wound is pretty erm.....moist which means the dressings make me feel like I am wearing nappies (see and learn, see and learn).

We have an open house if anyone feels like keeping me company. Kris has put his foot down with a firm hand about events, and we are not doing any more this season except Blore. So no Bosworth waaaaahhhhhh!

I would just like to saty here that I have wonderful supportive friends and I love you all.


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