AnEleatic: aspect

Apr 05, 2003 18:52

AnEleatic: (fuck words...I hate them...don't you?)
AshlarMirysn: mm, very
AshlarMirysn: it looks bleak for me yo
AnEleatic: What's that?
AshlarMirysn: i dunno how the hell i would swing this coachella
AshlarMirysn: :-(
AnEleatic: Q
AnEleatic: U
AnEleatic: I
AnEleatic: T
AshlarMirysn: ahah
AshlarMirysn: then i wouldn't even have the funds for it
AnEleatic: P
AnEleatic: R
AnEleatic: O
AnEleatic: S
AnEleatic: T
AnEleatic: I
AnEleatic: T
AnEleatic: U
AnEleatic: T
AnEleatic: I
AnEleatic: O
AshlarMirysn: where is the n?
AnEleatic: hello?
AshlarMirysn: yes?
AnEleatic: I can't enter it
AshlarMirysn: what?
AshlarMirysn: then n!
AnEleatic: fucking AIM wouldn't let me
AshlarMirysn: ahaha
AshlarMirysn: weak!
AshlarMirysn: vicious and stupid cycle this is see?
AnEleatic: AshlarMirysn: The last message was not sent because you are over the rate limit. Please wait until sending is re-enabled and send the message again
AnEleatic: what the fuck...why did you turn into Yoda yo?!
AshlarMirysn: ??
AnEleatic: (N)
AshlarMirysn: how did i do that?
AshlarMirysn: yes!
AshlarMirysn: N!
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