AnEleatic signed on at 5:49:18 PM.
AnEleatic: that was weird
Dj Doubting Tom: you got booted?
AnEleatic: yeah
Dj Doubting Tom: whack
Dj Doubting Tom: did you see what i wrote?
AnEleatic: off of my ISP all together
AnEleatic: paste it again
Dj Doubting Tom: that's is fuckin' cool
Dj Doubting Tom: you depict great imagination for me
Dj Doubting Tom: i mean
Dj Doubting Tom: in the sense that what you say also evokes imagination
AnEleatic: while imagination is must realize its limit...relize that it is's illusory qualities
AnEleatic: its seduction
AnEleatic: scratch that
AnEleatic: you mustn't realize anything
AnEleatic: that is a negative sentiment
Dj Doubting Tom: so imagine, but see the reality, for life is what's to be, and you can't follow the feeling for freedom's sake
AnEleatic: have you ever heard Nick Drake?
Dj Doubting Tom: but what feeling must one feel in order to disorderly gamble away the sorry serious of this insidiousness
Dj Doubting Tom: nick drake? musician? poet?
AnEleatic: wowee
Dj Doubting Tom: ??
AnEleatic: that last line of yours has me blind deaf dumb and numb
AnEleatic: all at the same time
AnEleatic: mute...when I have so much to say
AnEleatic: he was a musician/poet
Dj Doubting Tom: no way! how?
Dj Doubting Tom: ahh
AnEleatic: the rythm of what you said
AnEleatic: sorry insidiousness
AnEleatic: it just flows
AnEleatic: free
AnEleatic: without restraint