The book library of Shmümer, of which I currently have albeit a temporary but full possession, is quite a unique kuntskamera that certainly warrants a more poetic type of post, which hopefully I’ll do one day in another journal employing different language. Here and now, I am just going to say that I found two books on the History of Mexico. One is "Hernando Cortez" by John S. C. Abbott, a historian who died in 1877, and this well preserved edition is probably somewhere from 1910s. The other is "Villa and Zapata" by Frank McLynn. The former find is obscure as there are no other books on the subject in the collection and hardly can it be of any interest to a non-specialist. As such, I am going to expropriate it, with impunity, as, trust me, such an orderless disorder rules over this vast realm of books, there is no way the owner will ever notice I’ve stolen something.
And I can certainly put it to a good use as my Southern Highland Tour will concentrate exactly on Cortez, Montezuma and the epic encounter between those two and the civilizations they represented and symbolized.
The other book, by McLynn, is, in a sense, a weird one. It gives quite a different perspective on a number of characters of the great Mexican Revolution of 1910 - 1920 and depicts those people in the ways quite different from the ones found, for example, in the books by Enrique Krauze, a contemporary writer considered by many a final authority on the subject. For example, while both agree that General-President Alvaro Obregon was at least slightly insane, Krauze portrays Obregon as a well-intentioned, noble man, a true military hero and an overall fair politician - rare qualities amongst many other revolutionaries. McLynn bluntly depicts a maniac, spiraling down into darkness with age, solitarily obsessed with power and subordination, who gives no damn about life - his own, his enemies' or his friends'.
And this brings me to my most favorite point: History is a funny thing. You can have it any way you want as long as you stick to few major facts. The rest, the details - are left to your discretion. Who knows what happened in reality? Was it two thousands defeated French troops at Puebla or all ten of them? Did Princess Agnes undress to seduce Juarez or did she jump out of the window? Did Obregon really tell Pancho Villa to go and fk himself - which the later duly did - or was this just an urban legend?
Everybody has an opinion and so do I - except mine is both imaginative and poetic.
And that the reason I say that My History is not just as good as anybody else's - My History is better! Because My History is funny, entertaining, elegant, deep, wide, smart, and it makes a lot of sense.
And did I mention it is both poetic and imaginative at that? I did? - Good. Because you can’t say this about that many other "histories," can you?
And so - so I invite you to come with me to Mexico and experience My History for yourself! Please contact Comandante Zhe's Highly Irregular Very Unprofessional Amazing Mexican Adventure - tours are coming monthly to La Republica near you!
(Leave me a message here if you are interested in my Central Mexican Highlands (CMH) or Southern Mexican Highlands (SMH) tours (dates are as below) and see tours' details at our fb page: CMH: July 22-31 (best weather/time to tarvel to Central Highlands)
CMH: Sep 24- Oct 2
SMH: Oct 21-30 (not confirmed yet)
SMH: Nov 18-27 (includes Thanks Giving weekend)