Yes, I'm fully aware that I take pics of almost NOTHING but my child. I've been meaning to address that with my few and proud LJ friends for quite some time actually...
In the meantime, here are (quite a few) more hobbit pictures. She's growing so FAST you see, and I'd rather not miss it.....
Sarah's Second B-Day: The pics from the party on Saturday the 29th were not overly impressive, but I liked some of the ones I got ON her birthday, on the 30th. Why... here they are! Imagine that!! ;)
This one was taken 2 wseeks later, on my birthday, at the State Fair of Texas. I put my baby on amusement park rides ALL BY HERSELF for the very first time! I about had heart failure once or twice. She LOVED it of course!! The little boat ride was first. Naturally she kept playing in the water, and of course I couldn't really STOP her...
sfogliatella and I decided that's probably what made her so dreadfully ill on the way home. She loved the little swings, too, but her FAVORITE was the roller coaster. I took her on it first, and when it stopped she cried and cried... so I sent Daddy with her again, and got probably my favorite pic of the day:
Just because:
Halloween weekend at TRF:
There's two from Halloween, too, but something is trying to tell me I've posted enough, cause I can't get them to upload now.
Ah, well, more later then....