Day 4: Desperate Times

May 25, 2008 23:49

Who: Jade, [AU] Jade
Where: The Malkuth Military Base
When: Day 4, early morning
Warnings: Snark, self-loathing?

He could scarcely believe his own actions.

It was rather like watching a play from inexpensive seats; Jade felt numb and distant, but he knew he was leaving the manor, quite decisively -- and he knew that he was approaching the military base, with Malkuth soldiers on his heels.

(They had asked where he was going, had looked uncomfortable at the notion of objecting, and Jade found something to admire in their insistence at tagging along. They clearly knew they were not really up to stopping him, should he ever decide to be less than cooperative -- and they clearly knew that entering into combat with him would cost them their lives -- but they had orders, and they intended to carry them out, whatever the consequences. Loyalty of this caliber was not easily inspired. Fortunately for them, being cooperative was still his preference, the alternative too... frankly unproductive to be worthy of consideration.)

He knew all of this, but he still didn't quite understand why he was doing any of these things, when the end result was so thoroughly distasteful.

The military base loomed large before him. Jade slowed his pace, and gazed up at it. He was not as familiar with the building as his counterpart in this place; he had only been inside on one or two occasions. He would not be able to get where he was going without further aid -- but that was likely for the best; dropping in on his double unannounced seemed... less than wise, under the present circumstances.

He turned to one of the men guarding the building's entrance, a man who was staring at him and his civilian clothing uncertainly, and said pleasantly, "You know who I am, I trust? Wonderful. Go and find me; I should be somewhere inside, if I know myself at all. Tell me that I have something urgent to discuss, and that I would..." and it was hard to say this word convincingly, without at least a small grimace, " to speak somewhere in private."
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