Title: The Life I Had Before
Author: Charlotte (
altogingenting )
Beta: The always fantastic
ms_belle10 , thank you so much! You are brilliant!
Pairing: Belldom
Rating: PG
Summary: Can they see past their pasts, embrace the present and look forward to the future?
Warnings: This chapter: none
Feedback: Highly appreciated
Disclaimer: I don’t own Muse or anyone/anything
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Comments 17
Brilliant as always, things are starting to sizzle! :D *hugs*
Thank you so much!
“It’s all right and you are kind of cute when you blush,” he said with a shy smile.
Flirty Dom is flirty. It's so obvious that they like each other. And it was really nice of you to use the survey as a means of knowing Matt's feelings.
The feelings I felt towards Dominic, were they love?
Yes they are! :D *hugs*
Ermh... Where was I?
Yes, Matt needs to calm down a bit... I'm glad you liked the use of the survey :D
Yes thay are getting closer :) Will try to update soon :D
I hated that I couldn’t bear the thought of losing him, because everyone I had ever tried to befriend had left me in the end.
Poor Matthew, he's so insecure and in need of love! We all know that Dom's the perfect partner for him, they will eventually solve all the problems.
“It’s all right and you are kind of cute when you blush,” he said with a shy smile.
I didn’t believe my own ears. Had he just said he thought I looked cute when I blushed? Was he flirting with me? Why did I feel like giggling? Why did my heart beat faster?
I seriously said 'AWWW' at this part! <3 I'm glad Dom complimented him so kindly!
Also, to answer Matt's question: in my dictionary, those are symptoms of a disease called 'love'. :')
*many, many hugs*
"in my dictionary, those are symptoms of a disease called 'love'. :')"
Seems like you and I use the same dictionary :P
I'm so glad you liked it and that it made you smile!
*many, many hugs in return*
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