Yes I did! Thank you :D :D :D I love it when he is all angst because it breaks my heart but yes, goofy!Brian rules me, too! When he uses his baby voice :D I don't have any spares with me at the moment but I will let you know when I do, sorry!
oh ihope oiii am on your frinds list, if i can see this then am it on it??? I don't know if i vever thanks you for lfeting me read ootp in your room it wa soo cool and ih ad the best imeee!!! I am drhk noow, i will apoligse for this sh ockcing ocomment later hwen i am sober. So in a fwe years time aas I had LOTS TO DIRNK
Ummmm yes, those Moulin Rouge/BJ vids are possibly the funniest things I have ever seen. I have watched them at least 3 times each and I bow down to and you and eleveninches talent. I might have to agree with eleveninches though, Brian is so Satine ;0) You see, like Satine, Brian doesn’t believe in love and like Christian, Justin stalks the nonbeliever and then eventually teaches him how to with his persistent ways. Because even though Brian says he doesn’t believe in love, we all know he's full of shit. Even Danny Lipman says so.
Aw thank you! Well I was trying to go for dramatic irony when I cast Brian as Christian, it's cracks me up to see him yelling about Truth! Love! Beauty! :)) Brian is totally full of shit, you know he secretly loves teddy bears. I have friended you back, too! Never enough QaF friends on my friends page :D
Ahh yes that is true, the irony is definitely there. Those vids have got me thinking some pretty odd things though, like what Gale would look like in a red dress. And that's really a disturbing thought... although he does have nice legs.
Comments 378
Btw that is a truly sexcellent icon.
Brian/Justin, man!!!1
- Also Anna
Did you make the "Clouse enough" icon?? If you did, gaaah, you're brilliant!! I want an angsty!Brian icon!! Do you have any spares? Pleeeeaaase?? :))
Angsty Brian is the best ... or the second best anyway, because goofy!Brian is adorable!! :)) I miss goofy!Brian. :(
Anyway, I hope you don't mind if I friend you ;0)
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