So how about that? Several chapters of solid action in the middle of a love story. I expect that's not often seen in fan fiction except as a setup for a sex scene. I think if you've read this far you will have noticed I'm not writing PWP or even something that goes much beyond PG-13. Sorry if that's a problem.
Don't go further until you've finished 'Under the Silent Stars'.
*blows up the blocking lemming*
Stargate SG-1 is an action series. A military action series. I'll be the first to admit I'm probably not portraying life in the military at all accurately. I find it slightly irksome, but it's an irk I can live with. At the end of the day, my fic is about Sam and Cameron and them making googly eyes at each other. However, in order to be true to the characters I have to write them as what they are, soldiers. Doing soldiery things. With guns. And big-ass ships.
Then there's googly eyes.
I played with it very briefly in 'TTTW', I got Cam mortally wounded just so Sam could kinda sorta pop the question while frantically trying to keep him alive while Daniel kicked Lucian Alliance ass.
Come on, you know it was Daniel that did all the ass-kicking. He's bad-ass.
I still made the action only something in the background, peripheral to the micro-struggle around Sam and Cam. That's fine, as far as it goes. And since I was originally intending 'TTTW' to be everything, I thought I could get away with that. But as I said earlier, SG-1 is an action series, and Sam and Cameron are big damn heroes. So 'T9C' had something a little more substantial. Cam playing with C4, P90s and staff weapons while recapturing a crate of naquadria from Ba'al's Jaffa.
It was one of the longer sections I'd written up to that point. I was a little worried about it, and frankly still have no idea how well it was received. I tried to include a lot of the humour and banter that quite often accompanies some of the more kick-ass scenes in SG-1, and writing Ba'al is always a little fun. In addition I got to bring back Jonas and Kianna, who marked the start of something I've tried to keep going throughout the stories, that is, bringing back all the interesting one-off characters who showed up in the series. Not that Jonas could be considered just a one-off character of course.
I know some folks never much liked him, but I didn't have a problem with him. And it speaks to the whole issue of Cameron as a replacement of Jack. I wonder at the relationship between the group of people who felt that Jonas was just a poor substitute for Daniel and the group who felt the same of Cam and Jack. Is it just a case of
They Changed It Now It Sucks? I could understand it of someone who's watched seasons 9 and 10 and just didn't like them because they preferred Jack. More power to them. I just don't understand it of those who've actively refused to watch after the end of season 8.
Anyways, 'Under the Silent Stars' saw what could be called the first sustained action in the series. And even that's debatable thanks to the structure of the chapters. What it does mark is the first continuity section where the action exists for its own sake, not to move the overlaying romance story along. And it comes back to SG-1 being an action series and doing justice to the characters. This is their life, and if I want to write about them and their life, this has to be a part of it.
That's enough for now, I'll have more to say about 'Under the Silent Stars' and 'Voices from a Lost Time' later.