Title: The Angels Have The Impala
Fandom: Supernatural, Doctor Who
Characters/Pairings: slight Dean/Castiel, Eleven
Rating: G (unless you're as afraid of statues as I am, then maybe not...)
Random thoughts: Long time no post, wow. Anyway,
deancasbigbang art! This is for
ingenue_em's wonderful story "
The Angels Have The Impala", also known as the crossover I've only been waiting for. It's no real slash, more like the series itself with all its fanservice, but that's one of the things I love about this story. <3
“You moved the friggin’ angel.” Dean pointed over Castiel’s shoulder at the statue that had apparently started following them.
See this is the downside to having you hang out with me, Dean thought, you’re starting to act like me.
Cas turned to look at the direction Dean was pointing, his shoulder level with Dean’s.
“Dean,” he said very quietly, his voice grave, “I didn’t move that statue.”
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Dean sat on the roof of the TARDIS beside the Doctor. The blue box was parked behind the motel in the car park, beside Dean’s beloved Impala. The Doctor, much to Dean’s chagrin, had been less than impressed by his chosen mode of transport.
“Bit small, isn’t it?” Was all he had said.
Dean swung his legs slightly, apparently lost in thought. The Doctor cleared his throat.
“I do hope your friend comes back, Dean.”
Dean nodded slowly.
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Castiel watched him carefully, and Dean was sure he could see a slight smile on the angel’s face.
“I’m glad, Dean.” He nodded, hands in his trench pockets, “And I promise I will remember the pie from now on.”
Dean’s face broke into a grin.
“Good. That would be good.”
Castiel took one hand out of his pocket to scratch the side of his nose, an oddly human gesture but one that seemed very Cas-like. He looked across the car park.
“Can I ask you something, Dean?”
“Can we have alcohol now?”
The grin got wider, and Dean came over and put an arm around Castiel, leading him across the parking lot.
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... and this didn't actually happen in the story, but see it as some kind of bonus epilogue because adksldk, the ending (and the possibilities it is leading to). <3