Spoilers below for the latest episodes of Person of Interest, Ringer, Once Upon a Time, and Awake. And spoilers for Psych ("Indiana Shawn and the Temple of the Kinda Crappy, Rusty Old Dagger", but not "Heeeeere's Lassie".) Also, there is a bit of ranting about Boys over Flowers, because...Lee Min Ho is awesome and he has epic hair.
+ Person of Interest was on last night. I was promised babies and cuteness, and they delivered. "I'm teaching her to go undercover." And the grenade scene! I think I must have whimpered about Reese's bruised wrists during the freezer scene at least three times. Also, I really loved how even as Carter accepts that she can't be a part of their world anymore (at least she can't be part of their world and be the by-the-book cop she's been throughout the series at the same time) she still let Reese go anyway. That was such an incredible episode with a really stunning balance of drama and comedy.
(No more new episodes till March 29th! Say it ain't so, CBS!)
+ Ringer is amazing. I have no idea when this show decided to up the ante, but I'm so very glad it did. The rapid-fire series of twists during these last few episodes have been fantastic. But...how the heck has nobody besides Henry learned that Siobhan is alive? Someone should have at least considered the possibility. I don't expect Bridget to, but idk, Malcolm or someone. And...it looks like Andrew might actually hurt "Siobhan". Ioan Gruffudd is doing a fantastic job making me love him one minute, and feel incredibly wary of him the next.
+ I am watching Boys over Flowers on Netflix, because of reasons. Originally, these reasons were pretty much Lee Min Ho, but now I love every member of F4, and how they all support each other and call each other out on all their nonsense. Particularly Yi Jung, he's awesome. Alas, I have no idea what side of the love triangle I'm rooting for. Which might be a good thing. I'll be happy either way.
+ How is it that whenever James Roday does "serious Shawn moments", it tears at my heart? Honestly, during last weeks Psych, I was so torn between laughing and crying. I laughed with tears in my eyes. I’ve been to too many funerals this year, and every thing Shawn said about death this episode, I’ve thought at one point or another. Every. Single. Thing. Particularly, his "How stupid sad is this?" and "People die...it's sad and unfair". Oh, Shawn, let me hug you and never stop. I bet you give great hugs.
+ Once Upon A Time. Am I going to ship every single couple on this show? Grumpy-Dreamy and Astrid-Nova were adorable (And why are the names so difficult in this show? I feel like I can't write Astrid/Nova for fear it looks like a pairing, when they're actually the same person.) Anyway, the dwarfs coming from eggs thing was strange, but the whole little family hugging Grumpy-Dreamy before he ran off to meet Nova was awesome and adorable. And...if David kidnapped or harmed Katharyn in any way, I'll eat my hat. And then rant about the writers for a long time, because that would be a really stupid subplot. I don't think even cursed!Charming could hurt someone who was leaving town anyway. Plus, Emma thinks he's telling the truth.
+ Awake seemed better this episode, but that could have been because I'd seen way too many previews for the first episode, so this one felt...fresher. Stuff happened that I wasn't expecting because I hadn't seen the best parts of the episode already. (Seriously, NBC, you did that with The Event too. I didn't even freakin' NEED to watch the pilot! I shouldn't know EVERYTHING about a show before I watch a single episode, just because it was in the previews.) Anyway, it was nice to have no idea what was gonna happen. And the ending was really intriguing. I wonder if people were trying to kill him in both realities? Previous preview ranting aside, the episode next week looks really good!
Was that long and rambling? I hope not. Here, have an awesome Snowing Vid!Rec:
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