With Avengers as the grand exception of all excpetions, because I consider it one of my all time favorite movies and I don't even own it on DVD yet, Thor is my personal favorite of the Marvel movies.
I know, I know. I know.
I've gotten so much grief over this statement. I have friends who read Marvel comics, and they told me in no uncertain terms that they think this movie could have been so much better because 'in the comics it was like this'.
Okay, full disclosure: I went to see Thor without seeing a single trailer, and knowing nothing about the film besides the fact that it was the one in the teaser at the end of Iron Man 2. Seriously. I knew there was a hammer, and that was it. The only reason I went to the movie on opening weekend was because my Grandmother's funeral was on Sunday, I came home from an emotionally exhausting memorial service and wanted to escape. One of my best friends, who knew about all the aforementioned stuff I was dealing with, texted my brother and said, "Hey, wanna see Thor?"
And they dragged me along with them.
Here's the thing I think made me enjoy it as much as I did: I was expecting a totally different movie. I was expecting HAMMERS and SMASHING and ACTION and a one-dimentional love interest that I didn't care about.
I was not predicting that the movie would pass
The Bechdel Test not only within the first minute, but within the first three lines of dialogue.
I also wasn't expecting one of the hero's most heroic moments of the film would be while he's powerless and yet bravely facing death to spare the lives of his friends:
Or a love interest whose is neither sexualized nor one-dementional (and who is actually smart and dedicated and allowed to be both those things within the rules of her universe):
Or the
soundtrack, which I could do another long post on because everything in this movie is so unbelievably pretty.
Of course, my level of overall expectation going into the movie was around a three out of ten. So when I got a nine, the six point difference was enough to make me sit up in my seat, adjust my 3D glasses, and walk out of the theater 114 minutes later saying: "That was actually pretty good!"
At which point one of my comic-reading friends retorted, "You're just saying that because the guy playing Thor was hot."
And because I was tired and not quite up for trying to explain all the things I actually loved about this movie, I let him keep on thinking that, because, well:
There is no concievable way I am going to convince him that I am both a.) a straight chick and b.) someone who doesn't find Chris Hemsworth attractive. It. Will. Not. Happen.
I digress.
All that said, Thor is a freakin' gorgeous movie.
So have a picspam celebrating the fact that everything about this movie is pretty, pretty, pretty. And I'll continue to pretend that I only care about all the pretty, while inside I cry about Loki the frostgiant and Thor having to leave Jane and at how underrated this movie seems to be when it's compared to the rest of the Marvel universe.
Asgard is Pretty
Earth is Pretty
Thor is Pretty
Jane is Pretty
Loki is Pretty
Sif is Pretty
Darcy is Pretty
Hawekeye is...Snarky and Pretty
Misc. Pretty
End Credits are Pretty
- Credit for all screencaps goes to gallicka
- All these pics are - or will be - cross-posted on my tumblr for your reblogging convenience.