1. your full name- Nicole Marie...
2. grandparents' first names- Mary, Joseph & Bobbie (my grandfather got remarried after he got divorced), Miriam (& my grandmother on the other side is a widow)
3. what songs do you sing in the shower?- whatever's on on the radio & i know the words :)
4. what did you fear was going to get you at night as a child?- monsters in the closet
5. when and why did you last vomit?- umm, i don't remember?
6. whats in your pockets right now?- nothing, the shorts i'm wearing don't have pockets
7. what colors are your bedroom walls?- yellow
8. last thing that made you laugh?- talking with katie at lunch
9. nicknames your parents call you- ? none ?
10. best bed sheets you had as a child- umm i'm, not sure... i had these blue ones that i really liked and they had some design on it but i can't remember...
11. favorite childhood pet- Blitz, a black lab, although we gave him away when I was 6. But then we got Smokey, our black flop-eared bunny, and we had him from when i was 7-16/17?
12. any pets now?- no, my brother has a lizard though
13. others describe your ass as- umm??
14. do you like your teeth?- um, i guess?
15. inny or an outty?- outtie sorta
16. things you shout to stupid drivers: "umm...hello!!!", "what the hell are you thinking?!"
17. favorite bathroom- i don't know
18. bake or broil?- bake
19. black olives or green olives?- black
20. what kind of cell phone do you own?- LG
21. whats one of the strangest things you ever chewed on?- um, a pen cap?
22. is your music kept in a particular order?- no
23. where do you get your film developed?- walmart usually
24. if your skin could be any color of the rainbow, what would you choose?- tan
25. where did you go to pre-school?- framingham
26. strangest drug experience?- well strangest recent one was talking to sketchy people online that are going to college with me soon... ahh! at least i know to avoid them...
27. favorite weather- spring, or summer... i just don't like rain, so if it rains a lot in spring then i like summer better but i don't like the humidity in the summer so it's hard to pick...
28. describe your fingernails- well, I just cut them recently and they don't have any nail polish on them so they are kinda boring... but my toenails are pink :)
29. last time you had to go to the hospital- um, i haven't since i was a baby...i've never broken any bones or anything
30. worst injury you've ever had- none really ^ see above
31. how do you like your chocolate?- umm... as icecream :)
32. favorite kind of tape- duct tape i think
34. last movie you rented- well i watched intolerable cruelty a few days ago on On Demand.. but i didn't exactly rent it
35. last movie you went to see- at the movie theater: charlie & the chocolate factory
36. were you a thumb sucker?- no
37. how old are you?- 18
38- what are your dreams usually like?- pretty weird, with people i know but with really odd situations
39. hallucinations?- no
40. worst hotel you've ever been in- well... maybe that sketchy motel right outside las vegas... but that was a fun time :)
41. best vacation- rome/paris/london... or maybe aruba, they both had their moments :)
42. what languages can you speak?- just english, sorry, latin didn't really do me much good
43. favorite house?- umm i don't know
44. favorite mode of transportation- car?
45. favorite place to swim- in a pool...??
46. ??
47. last song you listened to- kelly clarkson- behind these hazel eyes
48. favorite kitchen utensil- umm i have no idea, maybe the mixer cuz its fun
49. favorite driving songs- anything you can blare and sing at the top of your lungs :)
50. what will you be doing tomorrow?- waking up at 5:50 to go to work from 7-3... and then probably coming home, going to the gym & then who knows what!